Wanna play free holdem with 75K in chips?


Hey it's stirfry/tinfoil

There's this free holdem site I play at. I posted it once and Beefy made fun of me. Damo got mad at first because he thought it was a spammer. Anyway, I have nothing to do with the site, but it's really fun playing with free chips.

Now here's the reason for this post. I have one account on the site that I play with all the time. That name is holdme. I have another account named NickleBag. Both accounts have 500,000 plus chips in them. I've been playing well this week. If anyone who knows how to play holdem wants to use the NickleBag account, I'll let you play with it. First I'll need you to help me transfer most of the chips to holdme. I can't access both players from the same IP so I need someone to help me. We'll leave 75,000 chips in NickleBag for you play with.
No thank you...........

I live in Nevada...at best I play maybe $10.00 in slots per year...and that is only on the ten million to one... million dollar plus shit...I worked hard for my retirement...and am a real chicken when it comes to parting with my feeble fixed income...carry on though!;)
Hey it's stirfry/tinfoil

There's this free holdem site I play at. I posted it once and Beefy made fun of me. Damo got mad at first because he thought it was a spammer. Anyway, I have nothing to do with the site, but it's really fun playing with free chips.

Now here's the reason for this post. I have one account on the site that I play with all the time. That name is holdme. I have another account named NickleBag. Both accounts have 500,000 plus chips in them. I've been playing well this week. If anyone who knows how to play holdem wants to use the NickleBag account, I'll let you play with it. First I'll need you to help me transfer most of the chips to holdme. I can't access both players from the same IP so I need someone to help me. We'll leave 75,000 chips in NickleBag for you play with.

Tinfoil you better get back into the bathroom it is time for your spongebath and if your grandmother finds out you have been gambling, she is going to really soap you up and scrub you extra long?
I'll give you the link Damo.
I'm gonna u2u it.

So we'll have to go to an empty table where you can help me transfer the chips. We'll go to a 2000/40,000 table where you'll have 40K in chips and I will too. I don't want to risk going to a larger table in case some other player sits in and is able to call one of our bets. If someone else sits in, you and I will not bet and will click the away button near the top right of the screen. Just wait until they leave or we'll use the chat box to find another table. We'll meet at some table that we'll pick here at JPP beforehand and then we'll find an empty table to do our business.
You will have to bet all but a small amount of chips so you're not all in or else the hand will play out and you might take chips from the holdme account.after you bet like 39,500, I will call and then after the flop you have to fold so I get the chips. Then you'll hit leave seat button and after it lets you leave and another hand starts, you can click sit in and you'll have another 40K and we can do it all over again until I get most of those chips. LOL

I have to run a couple of errands tonight, but I'll check in to see if you're here later and we'll go from there. Thanks damo. I'll u2u the info to log on with NickleBag later. For now, you should go to the site and open your own account so you can get used to the play. It can be a little tough to pick up because there are no instructions. You'll figure it out though, so I'll be back in a few hours. If we don't do it tonight, there's always tomorrow. The site is a monthly competition so it lasts all december.

Thanks Damo
Hey it's stirfry/tinfoil

There's this free holdem site I play at. I posted it once and Beefy made fun of me. Damo got mad at first because he thought it was a spammer. Anyway, I have nothing to do with the site, but it's really fun playing with free chips.

Now here's the reason for this post. I have one account on the site that I play with all the time. That name is holdme. I have another account named NickleBag. Both accounts have 500,000 plus chips in them. I've been playing well this week. If anyone who knows how to play holdem wants to use the NickleBag account, I'll let you play with it. First I'll need you to help me transfer most of the chips to holdme. I can't access both players from the same IP so I need someone to help me. We'll leave 75,000 chips in NickleBag for you play with.

Sorry I made fun of you. :(

Very unLarslike of me.
Wow, I'm sorry tinfoil. I somehow missed that you posted that link.

Anyway, I'm terrible at the game and don't have the time to learn how to be good at it. You may want somebody more interested in learning to gamble to do it...
i went to that site every hand people are moving all in with absolutely nothing I don't know why they even bother.