Want To Experience The 56K Speed Once Again?

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56K a lot better than 300 Baud. With 300 Baud you could watch the person type. Corrections were a source of amusement.

Click on pictures and watch those pictures load for amusement.
There was once a Frenchman who was hired to set up computers and IT systems in North Korea.
The North Koreans, especially the students, kept asking about the Internet, HTTP, FTP, and such they read on XP.
True story I tell ya.
Le Fin.
Don't even get me started on that.

One benefit of not having kids is that I could afford to have two phone lines, which I did right up to the cellphone age, around iPhone 5. In 2010 I first joined the iPhone Revolution with an iPhone 4. My previous phone was just shy of being a smartphone. Wifi, text, camera, internet, etc but no apps.

By the end of 2011 I'd dropped the landline and was solely on a DSL phone line for internet access. It was irregular, but all we had in the area. Eventually satellite dish and transmitters moved around here.