Want to "resist tyranny" with your popguns?

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster

Since those nineteen barbarian asswipes from the Middle East used our own technology to murder 3000 of our citizens, the American Military Industrial Complex has been on a bit of a rampage.

The Patriot Act. The Department of Homeland Security. Total Information Awareness. Iraq. Afghanistan. Baghram. Guantanamo. Enhanced Interrogation. Satellites, reading your email, backscatter scans at the airport, dickheads feeling in your wife’s underwear band. Yeah, there sure are a lot of unchecked federal government security operations these days because a few Arabs snuck one by the goalie.

Problem is, there were a whole lot of people in America who cheered for this crap, and tragically, they are the same people who claim they want freedom from the Gubmint.

It’s pretty hard to argue for a weak government at home when you want it strong enough to invade Mesopotamia. Either way – we have funded and cheerled a very, very strong federal military apparatus with the power to project its volition all over the globe.

OK, let us take a step back and assume that you, on the Thursday of your choosing, decide that you would like to break the bonds between your holy territory in Dogballs, Arkansas, and the Federal Gubmint in Washington DC.

And you are planning on using, in the words of our great stateswoman, Sarah Palin, “Second Amendment solutions.”


And let’s do a quick comparison between what you, the aging suburbanite have, versus the current American Armed Forces, battled hardened in Mazar-e-Sharif and Fallujah after 50 years of major R&D.

What kinds of nasty toys will you bring to bear against the Military-Industry Complex when you’ve had enough and decide to get filled up with bourbon and gumption?


Weaponry available to the United States Armed Forces:



Can we get real here? You are not going to defeat the United States Military. At all.

Are you thinking that if the system of governance in the United States doesn’t suit you, it is always a possibility to use your stockpiled AK-47 ripoffs to force a new rule of law at the point of a gun after a few years, just like back in 1776?

I have had it with people suggesting that allowing the completely unfettered availability of small arms is essential to the operation of a modern democracy.

You are not going to preserve democracy through the availability of your deadly-yet-inconsequential assault weaponry.

You are only increasing the likelihood of miscreants murdering children or random people at malls.

I know you don’t like this. I don’t care.

I understand the myth of the American revolution. Yes, an armed population took on the largest imperial force in the world back in the late 18th century. (We only won because of the French wanting to screw with their main global rivals, but it still counts.)

The Limeys had more money, less knowledge of the terrain, and, at the end, the French Empire funding their opponents, so they walked away in favor of India, South Africa, and other, more profitable adventures. The Colonists should have lost, but fate intervened.

As a result, Americans maintain the belief that they will still be able to reform and/or defeat government using “the Second Amendment.”

This clause of the Bill of Rights makes way for Americans to maintain armaments much in the same spirit of 1775, such that its citizens might once again rise up with muskets whenever necessary to defeat tyranny.

There is one major problem with this dangerously outdated assumption: the chasm between government weaponry and civilian weaponry is comically large. Like, from here to Venus large.

So large that your defense of arming every schizophrenic and bipolar douchebag with AR-15s because you want to “prevent tyranny from taking root” is absurdly, ridiculously stupid.

Oh, you think you have a shot at overthrowing the current American government? Really?

How are you going to organize? Government agents can monitor your email, search engine requests, Facebook communications, and phone calls if they have any reason to worry about you.

Are you going to attack military facilities? Really?

Are you going to hide in the hills? In the cities? Are you going to face down Seal Team Six, which dealt with Osama bin Laden deep inside of Pakistan? Honestly?

If you want change, you are better off writing poems. The notion of taking on a military that is unchallenged in the world is utterly absurd.

Write about justice. Think about peace. Argue for economic opportunity. All good things.

Fight for smaller government. Start all the libertarian blogs you want.

But cut it out with the nonsense that making assault weapons available to all of North America does something other than provide schizophrenics with props for their murder fantasies. Because you aren’t George Washington, or Nathaniel Green, or Patrick Henry.

You are somebody wondering when the next mass murderer is going to invade a daycare.

I have had it with people suggesting that allowing the completely unfettered availability of small arms is essential to the operation of a modern democracy.

You are not going to preserve democracy through the availability of your deadly-yet-inconsequential assault weaponry.

You are only increasing the likelihood of miscreants murdering children or random people at malls.

I know you don’t like this. I don’t care.

I understand the myth of the American revolution. Yes, an armed population took on the largest imperial force in the world back in the late 18th century. (We only won because of the French wanting to screw with their main global rivals, but it still counts.)

The Limeys had more money, less knowledge of the terrain, and, at the end, the French Empire funding their opponents, so they walked away in favor of India, South Africa, and other, more profitable adventures. The Colonists should have lost, but fate intervened.

As a result, Americans maintain the belief that they will still be able to reform and/or defeat government using “the Second Amendment.”

This clause of the Bill of Rights makes way for Americans to maintain armaments much in the same spirit of 1775, such that its citizens might once again rise up with muskets whenever necessary to defeat tyranny.

There is one major problem with this dangerously outdated assumption: the chasm between government weaponry and civilian weaponry is comically large. Like, from here to Venus large.

So large that your defense of arming every schizophrenic and bipolar douchebag with AR-15s because you want to “prevent tyranny from taking root” is absurdly, ridiculously stupid.

Oh, you think you have a shot at overthrowing the current American government? Really?

How are you going to organize? Government agents can monitor your email, search engine requests, Facebook communications, and phone calls if they have any reason to worry about you.

Are you going to attack military facilities? Really?

Are you going to hide in the hills? In the cities? Are you going to face down Seal Team Six, which dealt with Osama bin Laden deep inside of Pakistan? Honestly?

If you want change, you are better off writing poems. The notion of taking on a military that is unchallenged in the world is utterly absurd.

Write about justice. Think about peace. Argue for economic opportunity. All good things.

Fight for smaller government. Start all the libertarian blogs you want.

But cut it out with the nonsense that making assault weapons available to all of North America does something other than provide schizophrenics with props for their murder fantasies. Because you aren’t George Washington, or Nathaniel Green, or Patrick Henry.

You are somebody wondering when the next mass murderer is going to invade a daycare.


You sure have a way with posting a link and copying and pasting.

It's almost like your own words

Boy you sure have given everyone something to ponder. You are doing the Lords work
You sure have a way with posting a link and copying and pasting.

It's almost like your own words

Boy you sure have given everyone something to ponder. You are doing the Lords work

I didn't think it was possible for you to be of less consequence here IHA.
But you have found a way.
Dickless loser.