WaPost Story On Buch Press Conference Leaves Out Kissing Of Laura


Senior Member
This story still doesn't have a link to the White House site for the transcript so it is still not posted I guess.. But here is part of what he said with commentary, but without any reference to the kiss...

Bush Expresses Confidence in Hastert

By William Branigin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, October 3, 2006; 4:08 PM

President Bush today professed shock, dismay and disgust over revelations that a disgraced former Republican congressman sent sexually explicit messages to teenaged boys who served as congressional pages, but he expressed confidence in House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) in the face of calls for his resignation over the matter.

Speaking to reporters during a visit to a school named after him in Stockton, Calif., Bush said he was sure that Hastert "wants all the facts to come out" about the behavior of Mark Foley, 52, a Florida Republican who resigned his House seat Friday as the scandal was emerging.

Hastert, 64, a 20-year veteran of the House who was elected speaker in 1999, brushed aside suggestions that he should have done more to investigate a questionable e-mail from Foley to a former page when it was brought to his attention earlier this year. Hastert also rejected a demand by the conservative Washington Times newspaper that he "resign his speakership at once," a spokesman said.

"The speaker has and will lead the Republican conference to another majority in the 110th Congress," Hastert spokesman Ron Bonjean said, referring to midterm elections next month. Democrats are hoping to capitalize on Bush's low approval ratings and a series of scandals involving Republican lawmakers -- the Foley affair among them -- to make significant gains in the House and Senate.

In his appearance at the George W. Bush Elementary School in Stockton, Bush referred to recent school shootings in Pennsylvania, Colorado and Wisconsin.

"We also had a reminder of the need for people in positions of responsibility to uphold that responsibility when it comes to children, in the case of Congressman Mark Foley," Bush said in his first public comments on the scandal.

"I was dismayed and shocked to learn about Congressman Foley's unacceptable behavior. I was disgusted by the revelations and disappointed that he would violate the trust of the citizens who have placed him in office." Bush said families who send their children to be pages in Congress have a right to expect them to be safe.

"I fully support Speaker Hastert's call for an investigation by law enforcement into this matter," Bush said. "This investigation should be thorough, and any violations of the law should be prosecuted."

Bush said he meets frequently with Hastert, whom he described as "a father, teacher, coach who cares about the children of this country."

He added, "I know that he wants all the facts to come out, and he wants to ensure that these children . . . up there on Capitol Hill are protected. I'm confident he will provide whatever leadership he can to law enforcement in this investigation."

Bush did not take any questions from reporters after his remarks, ignoring a shouted query about whether Hastert should resign.

Full Story
In his appearance at the George W. Bush Elementary School in Stockton,


WTF is this, the Soviet Union? Who names a school after a "Dear Leader" who is still in office?

Can't they wait until he's at least out of office, before naming schools, parks, and post offices after Dear Leader?