Warner Out of Dem Race 2008

Looks like Mark Warner is packing it in for 2008.


I know that several Democratic regulars liked Warner a great deal. Any suggestions?

Warner was never going to get my vote in the primary. I'm going to the left of Hillary, not to the right of her.

But, the first thing that crossed my mind when I read this was, 'I wonder who had something on him and what it was."

Because he has been positioning himself for this run for some time. He didn't just "decide" not to run.
Yeah, it had to be pretty large. I think it is unfortunate. I thought he was one of your better candidates.
Yeah, it had to be pretty large. I think it is unfortunate. I thought he was one of your better candidates.

Well, since you thought he was a good candidate, that should give you some idea of why I thought he wasn't. :)

They must have nailed him on something sexual. The Foley thing has people running scared, and I don't think it matters if it's hetero or not.
Well, since you thought he was a good candidate, that should give you some idea of why I thought he wasn't. :)

They must have nailed him on something sexual. The Foley thing has people running scared, and I don't think it matters if it's hetero or not.
I think you're probably right: somebody had something. It's possible, though, that he just decided that his chances weren't good enough to warrant the expense and effort. The Clinton machine has got to be an intimidating opponent for anyone at this point.
I think you're probably right: somebody had something. It's possible, though, that he just decided that his chances weren't good enough to warrant the expense and effort. The Clinton machine has got to be an intimidating opponent for anyone at this point.

I read on some left wing site that his main closet problem was some philandering (possibly Hufffington). That would explain why he needs to spend some time with his family--repairing the damage...but who knows...it might just have been a rumor.