WARNING THREAD BAN IN EFFECT: Democrat party gets paid to kill babies

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

According to the democrat party, the only reason Republicans support the 2nd Amendment is because they are bought and paid for by the NRA. Well, using that logic, it only stands to reason that the only reason that the democrat party supports abortion is because they are bought and paid for by Planned Parenthood.

To the tune of over $14 million in 2016.. That's right ladies and gentleman your democrat party politicians are bought and paid for by the Baby Killing Lobby.

Independent Expenditures: $14,742,087
For Democrats: $4,561,618
Against Democrats: $6,670
For Republicans: $1,728
Against Republicans: $9,067,817
Electioneering Communications: $0About Electioneering Communications
Communication Costs: $299,330

They spent a mere $1,728 on supporting Republicans or 0.01% of their expenditures.

So anytime a lefty brings up ye ole yarn that the NRA is buying Republicans, just show them this little metric

**Full Thread Ban in effect as I don't care what liberals think about this issue**

Watermark, I see you changed your name again. Consider yourself thread banned. If you post, I will have you removed on an ad hoc basis until I can figure out what your new RP is