Warrior in War on Children Jailed...


Staff member

Busted For Slapping Stranger's Crying Child

SEPTEMBER 2--Meet Roger Stephens. The Georgia man, 61, was shopping Monday morning at a Walmart in Stone Mountain when he crossed paths with Sonya Matthews and her two-year-old daughter Paige. The child was crying, which apparently greatly perturbed Matthews. "If you don't shut that baby up I will shut her up for you," Stephens warned Matthews, according to a Gwinnett County Police Department report. Moments later, Stephens acted on his threat, slapping Paige "across the face approximately four or five times." Though the child "started crying and screaming" after being struck, Stephens told Matthews, "See, I told you I would shut her up." After police were summoned, Stephens told a cop that the child was crying "and he just slapped her," according to the report. Stephens was arrested for felony cruelty to children and booked into the Gwinnett County Detention Center, where he is being held without bond. Paige sustained "slight redness to the face," but was otherwise unharmed.

Busted For Slapping Stranger's Crying Child

SEPTEMBER 2--Meet Roger Stephens. The Georgia man, 61, was shopping Monday morning at a Walmart in Stone Mountain when he crossed paths with Sonya Matthews and her two-year-old daughter Paige. The child was crying, which apparently greatly perturbed Matthews. "If you don't shut that baby up I will shut her up for you," Stephens warned Matthews, according to a Gwinnett County Police Department report. Moments later, Stephens acted on his threat, slapping Paige "across the face approximately four or five times." Though the child "started crying and screaming" after being struck, Stephens told Matthews, "See, I told you I would shut her up." After police were summoned, Stephens told a cop that the child was crying "and he just slapped her," according to the report. Stephens was arrested for felony cruelty to children and booked into the Gwinnett County Detention Center, where he is being held without bond. Paige sustained "slight redness to the face," but was otherwise unharmed.

We may have lost a battle, but we'll win the war.

Just you watch.
i think ladyt is so far up on cloud nine.....she can't even see how badly damo's thread title failed.....

there is no war on children.....ONLY whiney/crying children....shit....get it right
Ah, Yurt, LadyT has waged a war on children since I've known her.

On another note, Damo did you see the guy's picture that accompanied the article on CNN? Right scary looking dude! Could you imagine that coming at you with that expression, if you were an upset two-year-old?

The other day a toddler started screaming in the grocery store while I was shopping after work. After several unsuccessful attempts to calm her down, during which time the screaming intensified, the mother simply picked her up, left her cart full of groceries, and carried the child under her arm and rushed out of the store. Whew! I think I'll just keep my dogs, thanks.
Ah, Yurt, LadyT has waged a war on children since I've known her.

On another note, Damo did you see the guy's picture that accompanied the article on CNN? Right scary looking dude! Could you imagine that coming at you with that expression, if you were an upset two-year-old?

The other day a toddler started screaming in the grocery store while I was shopping after work. After several unsuccessful attempts to calm her down, during which time the screaming intensified, the mother simply picked her up, left her cart full of groceries, and carried the child under her arm and rushed out of the store. Whew! I think I'll just keep my dogs, thanks.
If I had seen it, if I were there, the child would not have been hit more than once if at all and the "gentleman" would have left with some damage.
If I had seen it, if I were there, the child would not have been hit more than once if at all and the "gentleman" would have left with some damage.

Yah, it surprises me that nobody else stepped in. I'm still quite shocked that someone would do what he did, even knowing that there are such people out there. I'm no fan of screaming kids, but it's not a stranger's business to deal with it in any way. I don't remember the list of charges against the guy but they should be substantial. I hope he's sentenced harshly.
If I had seen it, if I were there, the child would not have been hit more than once if at all and the "gentleman" would have left with some damage.

Well said, Damo.

What are these monsters doing striking children in this, the 21st of our Centuries? Apart from the sheer indignity of an adult human being inflicting physical violence on a much smaller human being, striking a snivelling child is only guaranteed to increase not only the volume but the veracity of tubby-boohooing.

May i say that i am shocked, some say astounded, at the sheer lack of imagination of today's modern parenting skills.


Mothers. When shopping in supermarkets, why go to the trouble of slapping, punching, or even kicking your child, perhaps endangering a newly manicured nail or straining an overworked calf muscle? Consider your environment. Adapt. Overcome.

Plastic bags can be obtained from most consumer outlets. When placed snugly over a child's head, this is sure to reduce volume and, if applied correctly, induce rapid drowsiness.
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If I had seen it, if I were there, the child would not have been hit more than once if at all and the "gentleman" would have left with some damage.

I can not imagine the gall it would take to walk up and slap someone else's two year old. First of all, its Walmart. Peace & quiet are not part of that shopping adventure.

I agree with you here, Damo. If I had seen that the man would have been hurt. Maybe try and see whether he could cry as loudly as the two year old?
I can not imagine the gall it would take to walk up and slap someone else's two year old. First of all, its Walmart. Peace & quiet are not part of that shopping adventure.

I agree with you here, Damo. If I had seen that the man would have been hurt. Maybe try and see whether he could cry as loudly as the two year old?
Apparently Mr. Grumpy didn't watch Sessame Street that day?
Well said, Damo.

What are these monsters doing striking children in this, the 21st of our Centuries? Apart from the sheer indignity of an adult human being inflicting physical violence on a much smaller human being, striking a snivelling child is only guaranteed to increase not only the volume but the veracity of tubby-boohooing.

May i say that i am shocked, some say astounded, at the sheer lack of imagination of today's modern parenting skills.
Exactly, increasing the problem is never the proper response.