Was Anybody at Woodstock?


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It's been fifty years? I was in Vietnam!

All the hippies are old men and women now or dead?!!

I'm still toking, it's been 50 years too!




It's been fifty years? I was in Vietnam!

All the hippies are old men and women now or dead?!!

I'm still toking, it's been 50 years too!





First off, thank you for serving our country. I can't imagine how horrific it must have been in Vietnam. I was only 8 years old when the original Woodstock took place. I wasn't old enough to appreciate rock music quite yet. But in 1970 my dad and mom played the first rock music I really listened to and liked. My dad played us (myself, brother and sister) CCR's Cosmo's Factory and Neil Diamond's live "Gold" album, that featured Neil's live versions of his early hits through 1969-70. My mom played us some of her Elvis Presley singles. From then on I was a rock and roll fan. I didn't really appreciate Jimi's music until much later. I had always liked some of Jimi's songs. Then in 1988 or 89 a friend played me a couple of Jimi's albums. And I became a fan.
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I was too young (11ish)

and on the west cost

I had older siblings and was completely aware of it though
I wasn’t there but was just old enough to know what was going on. The older generation was freaking out that this was the begging of the teenage zombie apocalypse. That it turned into an iconic moment of kids actually setting the example for their parents was extraordinary.
We kicked up about Wilson, who was Prime Minister at the time, for grovelling, but fair play, he kept us out of out of Vietnam, despite all the pressure. I remember a meeting in Bristol when I was young, when we hackled him for ages. He said: 'Look, wait till the end, and I'll answer you' - and in the last five minutes or so he managed to make a speech in which he said NOTHING anyone could disagree with! They don't make 'em like that anymore! As to Woodstock, I was learning our language at the time and wholly into folk music. Shame, but you can't win 'em all!
It's been fifty years? I was in Vietnam!

All the hippies are old men and women now or dead?!!

I'm still toking, it's been 50 years too!





I was just a little kid, but here is what I will say about the 60s >>

Even more than half a century later, almost everybody of any age recognizes there was something special about that decade. It stands head and shoulders above all temporal events in my lifetime. Woodstock became iconic even for people who did not become of age until the late 70s and 80s. I must have seen the Woodstock movie half a dozen times! My standout pick is the performance by The Who. Gotta give Jimi props for the national anthem on the Stratocaster.

What I will say about aging hippies is this: I believe anyone can remain young in mind and spirit. And taking care of yourself physically pays off in spades. I have zero doubts that 74 year old Gym-rat and fitness-buff Joe Biden is in better condition physically that many beer-gutted, cheeto-munching Trump fan boys posting on message boards and who are half Biden's age.