APP - Was Charlottesville a democrat party black op?


Former Vice President

It would seem that the so called al right demonstration was started by a former Occupy Wall St nad Obama supporter.

Is this a Jim Creamer special?

Remember Jim Creamer? Project Veritas exposed him as trying to make Trump crowds look racist. The truth will come out.

Oh and for those who trade in criticizing the source of information this comes from the lefts favorite place Southern Poverty Law Center. So......

So here is what we know about last weeks violence

- The Mayor of Charlottesville declared his city "the center of the resistance to Trump"
- The Governor of Virginia is a corrupt crony of the Clintons who released 60,000 felons to try an assure his re-election. He would also like to desperately become President some day. Possibly 2020
- The protesters on the right had a legal permit
- Antifa did not have a permit
- Police directed those on the right toward Antifa
- Those in Antifa came armed with lethal weapons - soda cans filled with cement, bottles filled with urine, baseball bats and boards with screws protruding to do maximum harm, and improvised flamethrowers
- More importantly Jason Kessler who is the so called Founder of Unite the Right was a former Occupy Wall Streeter and supporter of Obama.

This smells like a democrat party black up ala Jim Creamer. And in case you forget who Jim Creamer is.........

Rigging the Election I
Considering this only benefits the left, it certainly looks that way.
Considering the nation-wide planning by dozens of Nazi type groups which led up the the attack in Charlottesville it certainly doesn't look that way at all.

What happened is a large scale version of something that happens all the time, first in the Trump campaign and then in the administration: Trump dog whistles them and they bark. Get serious.

How convenient that an Occupy Wall St guy and ardent Obama supporter who supposedly has black roommates suddenly had this conversion to Trump and white separatism in November 2016.

Anyone else think that it is too convenient?

Why isn't the media doing deep dive investigations into this guy? Seems odd doesn't it?


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Considering the nation-wide planning by dozens of Nazi type groups which led up the the attack in Charlottesville it certainly doesn't look that way at all.

What happened is a large scale version of something that happens all the time, first in the Trump campaign and then in the administration: Trump dog whistles them and they bark. Get serious.

No, makes it look even more like a dem ruse.
No, makes it look even more like a dem ruse.

Did you see Kessler's tweet about Heather Heyer? I mean come on. He called her a fat commie?

That is almost satirical. I am more convinced that he is just another democrat operative being paid by Jim Creamer, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and George Soros to create discord.

Of course JPP liberals will lap it up like pablum, but no serious person believes that what he said is real
Considering the nation-wide planning by dozens of Nazi type groups which led up the the attack in Charlottesville it certainly doesn't look that way at all.

What happened is a large scale version of something that happens all the time, first in the Trump campaign and then in the administration: Trump dog whistles them and they bark. Get serious.

Nothing could be further from the truth. But then, liberals are known to be lying fascists.
FACT: The city is run by a lying liberal Democrat.

FACT: The police were told to stand down and allow the Fascist leftist thugs without a permit to mix with the lawful permitted crowd defending Confederate statues.

FACT: BOTH groups came spoiling for a fight armed with shields, sticks and masks.

FACT: The PHONY media will always find fault with Trump and promote any false narrative designed to destroy his Presidency.

Yes; it was asset up and gullible idiots who still believe what the PHONY media tells them bought it.
Did you see Kessler's tweet about Heather Heyer? I mean come on. He called her a fat commie?

That is almost satirical. I am more convinced that he is just another democrat operative being paid by Jim Creamer, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and George Soros to create discord.

Of course JPP liberals will lap it up like pablum, but no serious person believes that what he said is real

Very telling is that the lefties on this board didn't jump on Kessler's comments. That tells me that the jig is up. Even they know that this was astroturf ginned up by the Soros/Clinton/Obama triad