Was Einstein wrong?

Photons traveling at 1.7 times the speed of light!

Check out the video between 53:30 to 57:00

Could this explain how aliens are able to visit us from light years away?

I'm sure that is very interesting BUT I was somewhat put off by 2 things in the first couple of minutes.
1. The man's name was Bertrand Russell (stress on first syllable) NOT B'trarn Russell
2. If America is covering up UFO information what about the majority of the planet? Do UFO's only visit Uncle Sam?
3. Bonus. The commentary is hopeless. I'll play it next when I suffer from insomnia!
So you don't believe in quantum physics?

dixie do you even know how to spell quantum physics or did you have to cut and paste that?

I think quantum physics is a bit above your brain level when you can't even comprehend the nature of 1/3rd in base 10
dixie do you even know how to spell quantum physics or did you have to cut and paste that?

I think quantum physics is a bit above your brain level when you can't even comprehend the nature of 1/3rd in base 10

You said Einstein wasn't wrong. If that is so, it means Bohr must have been wrong, and current theories of quantum physics are wrong. Is that what you believe? You said Einstein wasn't wrong.... so?
You said Einstein wasn't wrong. If that is so, it means Bohr must have been wrong, and current theories of quantum physics are wrong. Is that what you believe? You said Einstein wasn't wrong.... so?

Ahh, there is nothing quite as enjoyable as PWNING Grind and then watching the thread disappear from the board without further commentary. It's okay Grindster, not everyone is as knowledgeable about quantum physics as I am... I don't blame you for running away like a little girl.
With regard to quantum mechanics, Einstein was actually right about some things where he was trying to be wrong to discredit QM. Take entanglement for example. Einstein theorized that quantum mechanics predicted entaglement and entanglement was a phenomenon "known" to be impossible at the time. However, entanglement proved to be an actual observable and able to be duplicated process. He also tried to prove the uncertainty principle wrong with his photon and clock thought experiment, but Bohr used Einstein's own theory of relativity to show that his clock experiment was not complete.

So yes, einstein was wrong about some shit Grindtard.
You said Einstein wasn't wrong. If that is so, it means Bohr must have been wrong, and current theories of quantum physics are wrong. Is that what you believe? You said Einstein wasn't wrong.... so?

Context of this thread "Was Einstein wrong?" has the context of "about the speed of light being constant."

When grind said "No, Einstein wasn't wrong," there was an obvious reference to the context "about the speed of light being constant."

The dixtard pops in, pretends there is no such thing as context, and chastises grind as if the meaning of his statement was "Einstein was never wrong about anything ever in his entire life," and chastises him over this ridiculous mutation of grind's meaning that even a toddler could understand is incorrect.

Dixie is a retard.

Uh, Yup. Its exactly why Einstein came up with the theory. To prove Quantum theory wrong. Turns out that Bell came up with a theorem that proved it was possible and testable, and then it was tested and proven that entanglement is a real phenomenon.

But Einstein's folly was that he assumed that it had to classically breach relativity, which it does not. But Einstein was still wrong.

And as a matter of course, Einstein wasn't the one who came up with the concept of the cosmic speed limit. So, put up fool. I'm curious.
Where else could there be a political discussion on quantum theory? In the box with Schrodinger's cat perhaps?