WAS Examiner rips trump: UNSUITABLE TO HANDLE a CRISIS/& CAN'T BLUFF his way through


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WAS Examiner rips trump: UNSUITABLE TO HANDLE a CRISIS/& CAN'T BLUFF his way through

So this morning he ripped NYTIMES as a enemy of the people and failed and whatever else he added. Perhaps he didn't read one of his STAUNCHEST supporters. This ain't the NYT or WAPO! UNSUITABLE? That's still 'tepid'. The MOST could get away with without having the WH press credentials pulled?


Coronavirus is exposing Trump's unsuitability to handle a crisis

by Philip Klein
| March 08, 2020 11:51 AM

Trump gives remarks after touring the CDC on March 6.AP

President Trump’s bombastic style has served him well through many stages of his political career, but as the coronavirus spreads rapidly throughout the United States, it is exposing how deeply unsuited he is to deal with a genuine crisis that he can’t bluff his way through.

It’s one thing for Trump to insist he had a “perfect” phone call and have all his Republican minions fall in line. It’s another thing to downplay a growing epidemic as more and more Americans get sick.

On February 26th, Trump patted himself on the back for the relatively low number of cases in the U.S. “You have 15 people, and the 15, within a couple of days, is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done," he said. By March 5, he was tweeting that the U.S. cases, portraying this as a low number relative to the seasonal flu.
Sunday morning, he avoided stating any number in... “We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus. We moved VERY early to close borders to certain areas, which was a Godsend. V.P. is doing a great job. The Fake News Media is doing everything possible to make us look bad. Sad!”

As of this writing, Johns Hopkins has tracked 428 cases in the U.S.


How do you cheer a disease? Rightys say the craziest things. Pointing out Trump's delay and incompetence is the opposite of cheering. It is wanting to get it addressed properly.
Trump should have asked what he could do to make the people on the cruise ship happier and safer. Instead, he thought about his numbers growing if they were let off the ship. Trump only thinks of himself. It is fair to think that is what rightys approve of.
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How do you cheer a disease? Rightys say the craziest things. Pointing out Trump's delay and incompetence is the opposite of cheering. It is wanting to get it addressed properly.
Trump should have asked what he could do to make the people on the cruise ship happier and safer. Instead, he thought about his numbers growing if they were let off the ship. Trump only thinks of himself. It is fair to think that is what rightys approve of.

You and PoliTalker and other far left loons have cheered the economic downturn caused by a Chinese virus that China failed to contain.
start with the author:

Philip Klein

May 3, 2016
I have officially de-registered as a Republican.
There has been no take down of anyone.

This is a Chinese virus that China failed to contain.

President Trump will be reelected.

It is not a Chinese virus, Earl. IT is a virus.

The Chinese government headed by Xi...made some mistakes...and that did not help matters.

The American government headed by Trump...is making even bigger mistakes. That is not helping matters either.

Supporters like you...supporting him no matter what...are not helping either. Trump and his supporters are doing the opposite of helping...they are making matters worse.

Earl...you are bigger than this. Stop it now.
same crap with HYPERBOLIC HEADLINES.. decrying a lack of testing

but patients can go to a dr, and get a test.. ( thru the state)
Quest and LabCorp both promise plenty of tests available by end of next week

It's just another partisan hit job that got CL all excited because it was in the Washington Examiner :eek2::eek2:
It is not a Chinese virus, Earl. IT is a virus.

The Chinese government headed by Xi...made some mistakes...and that did not help matters.

The American government headed by Trump...is making even bigger mistakes. That is not helping matters either.

Supporters like you...supporting him no matter what...are not helping either. Trump and his supporters are doing the opposite of helping...they are making matters worse.

Earl...you are bigger than this. Stop it now.

Earl is the personification of a stooge
same crap with HYPERBOLIC HEADLINES.. decrying a lack of testing

but patients can go to a dr, and get a test.. ( thru the state)
Quest and LabCorp both promise plenty of tests available by end of next week

It's just another partisan hit job that got CL all excited because it was in the Washington Examiner :eek2::eek2:

You need a Turing test done on your posts, Anatta...whatever you are.
You need a Turing test done on your posts, Anatta...whatever you are.

The tests do not exist. You can go to a doctor and be told you do not need a test because they do not have one. Trump claims they will have millions and billions of beautiful test kits in a week or so. He said that last week too.
The first step to solving a problem is to collect data. The tests are the instrument that does that. We have no solid data because of this admins incompetence. they are trying to get kits now. But maybe not. They may not want the data collected since it may show how badly they are organized and how bad the pandemic is. Who knows it is all guesswork now,
The tests do not exist. You can go to a doctor and be told you do not need a test because they do not have one. Trump claims they will have millions and billions of beautiful test kits in a week or so. He said that last week too.
The first step to solving a problem is to collect data. The tests are the instrument that does that. We have no solid data because of this admins incompetence. they are trying to get kits now. But maybe not. They may not want the data collected since it may show how badly they are organized and how bad the pandemic is. Who knows it is all guesswork now,
look up Franks reference. it's not the Corona. reading is fundamental!
It is not a Chinese virus, Earl. IT is a virus.

The Chinese government headed by Xi...made some mistakes...and that did not help matters.

The American government headed by Trump...is making even bigger mistakes. That is not helping matters either.

Supporters like you...supporting him no matter what...are not helping either. Trump and his supporters are doing the opposite of helping...they are making matters worse.

Earl...you are bigger than this. Stop it now.

they willfully tried to cover their asses with lies, you gimp.

you deny chinese malfeasance, and make up lies about trump.

this is why you will lose again.

you will fail in pulling the populace through your clown world sphincter.
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they willfully tried to cover their asses with lies, you gimp.

you deny chinese malfeasance, and make up lies about trump.

this is why you will lose again.

you will fail in pulling the populace through your clown world sphincter.

Learn to read, Asswipe...and then get back to me. If you think I was covering for the Chinese...you do have comprehension problems.

And NO ONE has to make up lies about Trump to show that he is a fucking moron. He does that on his own...in public.

He also goes out of his way to show the world that his supporters are fucking morons also.

You ought to thank him for doing that for you.
Learn to read, Asswipe...and then get back to me. If you think I was covering for the Chinese...you do have comprehension problems.

And NO ONE has to make up lies about Trump to show that he is a fucking moron. He does that on his own...in public.

He also goes out of his way to show the world that his supporters are fucking morons also.

You ought to thank him for doing that for you.

you're a chink cock sucker, and traitor to your people.