Was Scalia assassinated?

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster
Alex Jones says his “gut” is telling him that Scalia was assassinated during Obama's “unprecedented power grab during his last year in office.”

Scalia was found dead Saturday morning at the Cibolo Creek Creek Ranch.

"We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head. His bed clothes were unwrinkled," said Houston businessman John Poindexter, who owns the luxury ranch.

Scalia's family apparently opted out of performing an autopsy, Chris Lujan, a manager for Sunset Funeral Homes, told The Associated Press.


Alex Jones is a radio show host.

His syndicated news/talk show The Alex Jones Show, based in Austin, Texas, airs via the Genesis Communications Network, and shortwave station WWCR across the United States, and on the Internet in video form.

Jones has been the center of many controversies, including his controversial statements about gun control in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

He has accused the U.S. government of being involved in the Oklahoma City bombing, the September 11 attacks and the filming of fake Moon landings to hide NASA's secret technology.

He believes that government and big business have colluded to create a New World Order through "manufactured economic crises, sophisticated surveillance tech and—above all—inside-job terror attacks that fuel exploitable hysteria".

Jones describes himself as a libertarian, paleoconservative and an "aggressive constitutionalist".

I think there should have been an autopsy. I mean we aren't talking about someone inconsequential like KKKhristiefan. We are talking about a Supreme Court justice. If for no other reason than to remove all doubt.

If it is true that he was found with a pillow over his face, then I think any normal person would think that suspicious. Unless of course there is a really valid explanation for how a pillow gets on ones face AFTER they die alone of an apparent myocardial infarction.
Veteran homicide investigators in New York and Washington, DC, questioned the way local and federal authorities in Texas handled the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

“It’s not unreasonable to ask for an autopsy in this case, particularly knowing who he is,” retired Brooklyn homicide Detective Patricia Tufo said.

“He’s not at home. There are no witnesses to his death, and there was no reported explanation for why a pillow is over his head,” Tufo said. “So I think under the circumstances it’s not unreasonable to request an autopsy. Despite the fact that he has pre-existing ailments and the fact that he’s almost 80 years old, you want to be sure that it’s not something other than natural causes.”

Bill Ritchie, a retired deputy chief and former head of criminal investigations for the DC police, said he was dumbstruck when he learned that no autopsy would be performed.

“I took a look at the report and I almost fell out of my chair,” Ritchie said from his home in Maryland.

“I used to be an instructor in the homicide school. Every death investigation you are handling, you consider it a homicide until the investigation proves otherwise,” Ritchie said.

“How do you know that person wasn’t smothered? How do you know it’s not a homicide until you conduct an investigation? You have to do your job. Once you go through that process, you can conclude that this is a naturally occurring death.”

Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara said she declared Scalia dead via telephone based on what cops and marshals at the scene told her — that there were no signs of foul play.

“How in the world can that Texas judge, not even seeing the body, say that this is a heart attack?” Ritchie wondered. “A US marshal can’t tell you. You need a medical professional. If this was Joe Blow, you say OK, 79 years of age, health problems, maybe natural causes. But this is a sitting justice of the Supreme Court!”

Guevara also spoke by phone with Scalia’s physician, who told her Scalia had several chronic medical conditions and had gone to the doctor’s last week for a shoulder problem, reports say.

Scalia’s family did not want an autopsy, she added.

Scalia's FAMILY did not request an autopsy. And Scalia had a lot of health problems. Maybe the family didn't want all that made public. Or maybe they just didn't get the memo from the tin foil hat crowd.

The wild card in this equation is likely Leonard Nimoy, who various leaked reports have identified as the newest leader of the Illuminati.

While there is much debate about that secretive group’s ultimate motives, many citizen journalists suspect that they are expanding their control through both European-style socialism and Bilderberg-group branded international cooperation schemes.

The recent Climate Change summit is the perfect example of this, as it gives foreign authorities the power to override both Congressional and Constitutional protections.

As many know, the presence of the United Nations on American soil will lead to gun seizures and restrictions on Christian freedom of speech.

Illuminati supporters such as gun control activists, marijuana propagandists and the recruiters of sodomy are likely to immediately benefit from the Justice’s death. They will now have more room to promote their disturbing agendas on a national legal front.

Coincidentally enough, Marfa, Texas — the site of Scalia’s death — is reputedly a hotbed of radical liberal activity. Not only is the town well known for its alien contact and shrine to anti-figurative artist Donald Judd, the locale is also home to the International Woman’s Foundation, a communist front group. In addition, it was here that socialist novelist Ben Lerner wrote his infamous paean to out-of-wedlock childbirth, “10:04.”

Nimoy, the crowned “Pinnacle of the Draco,” has been consolidating power over liberal groups ever since he faked his own death last February.

He has been commended in some quarters for brilliantly out-maneuvering the old guard of Rockefellers and the Rothschilds as he plots a technology-savvy future for the New World Order.

It’s well known that Nimoy’s own radical liberalism was threatened by Scalia’s commitment to American exceptionalism, as best exemplified in his passionate defense of the court’s Citizens United ruling.

For his part, Justice Scalia was a fervent fighter against hardcore homosexuality.

With his shocking assassination, a new wave of perversion may be unleashed.

Many pundits are openly wondering how this news will be celebrated in the sweaty bathhouses and sadomasochistic dungeons in our largest metropolitan areas.

Beyond the next days and months of sodomite orgies commemorating Scalia’s murder, there will come a new wave of homosexual challenges to our fundamental laws.

Polygamy, illegal aliens, nudism and marijuana abuse are just a few of the top items on the Gay Agenda’s list.

Obama, using the mandate of a third term, seems anxious to shove these new depths of debauchery down our nation’s throat.

I think there should have been an autopsy. I mean we aren't talking about someone inconsequential like KKKhristiefan. We are talking about a Supreme Court justice. If for no other reason than to remove all doubt.

If it is true that he was found with a pillow over his face, then I think any normal person would think that suspicious. Unless of course there is a really valid explanation for how a pillow gets on ones face AFTER they die alone of an apparent myocardial infarction.

I know I'm not a Supreme Court justice or very important but I will nap with a pillow over my face all the time including when I sleep at night. I can't explain it but it just helps me sleep. When I read about him having a pillow over his face I admittedly immediately thought about how it was cool that he slept the same way that I do and not that it was something bad.
Justice Scalia was assassinated by JF Kennedy and the Irish mafia, obviously, though the liberal media have muddled the dates.
as with JFK, it seems the Dems are willing to ignore texas state law concerning the requirement of an autopsy upon the death of someone not attended by a physician. the sad part is having the family go along with it, but whatever. I guess we can ignore texas law as well.
Actually, Texas state law does not require an autopsy.

According to the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Title 1, Article 49.10:

AUTOPSIES AND TESTS. (a) At his discretion, a justice of the peace may obtain the opinion of a county health officer or a physician concerning the necessity of obtaining an autopsy in order to determine or confirm the nature and cause of a death.

It goes on to say that:

(c) Except as required by Section 264.514, Family Code, for each body that is the subject of an inquest by a justice of the peace, the justice, in the justice's discretion, shall:
(1) direct a physician to perform an autopsy; or
(2) certify that no autopsy is necessary.

The Section 264.514 referenced in (c) above refers only the "reportable death" of a child and comes, as it says, from the Texas Family Code.

Now, why anyone, when we're talking about the death of a Supreme Court Justice, would certify that no autopsy was necessary when they're not actually in the room with the body as it was discovered is absolutely baffling to me.

That said, his family was apparently adamant that there be no autopsy (and perhaps that was in line with his stated wishes while he was alive, we don't know).

I think it was very foolish of the person making the decision to make it without being there, but in the end, the State of Texas does not have a law requiring an autopsy in this circumstance.

And then there's the idea of considering an "inquest" to be "I talked to the emergency people on-site via telephone." That's another shocker.
Actually, Texas state law does not require an autopsy.

According to the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Title 1, Article 49.10:
yet according to Title 1, Article 49.04:

DEATHS REQUIRING AN INQUEST. (a) A justice of the peace shall conduct an inquest into the death of a person who dies in the county served by the justice if:

(1) the person dies in prison under circumstances other than those described by Section 501.055(b), Government Code, or in jail;

(2) the person dies an unnatural death from a cause other than a legal execution;

(3) the body or a body part of a person is found, the cause or circumstances of death are unknown, and:

(A) the person is identified; or

(B) the person is unidentified;

(4) the circumstances of the death indicate that the death may have been caused by unlawful means;

(5) the person commits suicide or the circumstances of the death indicate that the death may have been caused by suicide;

(6) the person dies without having been attended by a physician;

(7) the person dies while attended by a physician who is unable to certify the cause of death and who requests the justice of the peace to conduct an inquest; or

(8) the person is a child younger than six years of age and an inquest is required by Chapter 264, Family Code.

(b) Except as provided by Subsection (c) of this section, a physician who attends the death of a person and who is unable to certify the cause of death shall report the death to the justice of the peace of the precinct where the death occurred and request that the justice conduct an inquest.

(c) If a person dies in a hospital or other institution and an attending physician is unable to certify the cause of death, the superintendent or general manager of the hospital or institution shall report the death to the justice of the peace of the precinct where the hospital or institution is located.

(d) A justice of the peace investigating a death described by Subsection (a)(3)(B) shall report the death to the missing children and missing persons information clearinghouse of the Department of Public Safety and the national crime information center not later than the 10th working day after the date the investigation began.
yet according to Title 1, Article 49.04:

DEATHS REQUIRING AN INQUEST. (a) A justice of the peace shall conduct an inquest into the death of a person who dies in the county served by the justice if:

(2) the person dies an unnatural death from a cause other than a legal execution;

(3) the body or a body part of a person is found, the cause or circumstances of death are unknown, and:

(A) the person is identified; or

(4) the circumstances of the death indicate that the death may have been caused by unlawful means;

(6) the person dies without having been attended by a physician;

(b) Except as provided by Subsection (c) of this section, a physician who attends the death of a person and who is unable to certify the cause of death shall report the death to the justice of the peace of the precinct where the death occurred and request that the justice conduct an inquest.

(d) A justice of the peace investigating a death described by Subsection (a)(3)(B) shall report the death to the missing children and missing persons information clearinghouse of the Department of Public Safety and the national crime information center not later than the 10th working day after the date the investigation began.

(Items not relevant removed for thread brevity)

What you quote references the requirement of an inquest, not an autopsy.

The "inquest" (and I believe the quotes are quite appropriate in this circumstance) was done. Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara decided to do the "inquest" over the phone, presumably because she couldn't find one of her glass slippers.

As I said previously, I believe that it was a ridiculous and foolish mistake to have an "inquest" into the death via telephone.

But according to Texas state law, there was an inquest and no autopsy was required.
I know I'm not a Supreme Court justice or very important but I will nap with a pillow over my face all the time including when I sleep at night. I can't explain it but it just helps me sleep. When I read about him having a pillow over his face I admittedly immediately thought about how it was cool that he slept the same way that I do and not that it was something bad.

You're very important, Nora.