APP - Was the Trump Tower meeting a setup?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I believe it was.

Remember, on two occasions, overseas assets were deployed against low level Trump campaign folks claiming that "Russia had dirt on Hillary".

Then you have this Russian lawyer who claims to have dirt on Hillary goes through Rob Goldstone to set up the meeting.

As this article points out this raises an interesting question. According to the FISA warrants, Trump, Page and Papodopolous ALREADY had contacts with Russia. That is why the FISA warrants were approved. So the question remains, if Trump already had these Russian contacts and was already colluding to win the election, why would they need the meeting with Natalia Veselnitskaya.

What could they possibly get from her that they couldn't get from their other supposed Russian contacts the FBI thought they had?

I would love to hear any reasonable explanations