APP - Washington/Liberal Math


Former Vice President
Let's be clear, I am no fan of the GOP bills repealing Obamacare. I don't believe in replacing it.

They should be a one page piece of legislation basically repealing the whole damned thing.

However, there are lots of lies about the current legislation working its way through Congress. And that is that there are these massive spending cuts in Medicaid. It is a flat out lie.

Here is how it works. First you have to understand baseline budgeting which is what Washington uses to forecast its budgets. Bear in mind, there is nowhere else in society where baseline budgeting is used in reality. Only in Liberaland

So how does this relate to the healthcare legislation currently going through the sausage making? It means that Medicaid expansion is not going away. They are merely slowing the rate of growth and those who claim that people will die or that there are massive spending cuts are flat out lying.

Here is an analogy. Let's say you are heading into your performance review at work and for some reason you think that you deserve a 10% raise. Once you finish your evaluation your boss gives you a 5% raise. That is what is happening here and with all of government spending

if you don't understand baseline budgeting it is really no point discussing this with you
I am very surprised people do not want to discuss base line budgeting as it pertains to all of the hand wringing over "MEDICAID CUTS"

Someone explain how a slowing of the rate of growth is an actual spending cut.

Democrats say they want to increase spending by 20%. The GOP says, we will increase by 6%. The Democrats say "THEY ARE DRACONIAN SPENDING CUTS AND PEOPLE WILL DIE!!!!"

What is rally sad about this situation is not the behavior of the democrat party. I have long expected that that is how they behave at all times. What is sad is that the GOP fecklessly stands by and allows themselves to steamrolled. They need to take a page out of the Donald Trump book. No lie goes unanswered