Watch Bush get his watch stolen by an adoring Albanian

He is reaching into the crowd and shaking hands and you see this hand arround his wrist and when he pulls away the watch is gone.
Just watched this... whoever took the watch was pretty slick, because it appeared to be one that fastened like a buckle. Bush didn't even flinch or react. Perhaps in another seven minutes.... ;)
I finally got to see it. I'm more amazed that these people seem to like him than that someone ripped off his watch. I wonder if they are like in some backwards tribe and don't get the tv?
"I finally got to see it. I'm more amazed that these people seem to like him than that someone ripped off his watch. I wonder if they are like in some backwards tribe and don't get the tv?"

It is far more likely they appreciate the support he is giving them in the Kosovo/Serbia "situation". They appreciate the fact that the US stood up for them under Clinton and that it continues to do so under Bush. Somehow I think they have enough to worry about without looking outside their borders to care whether or not the rest of the world is playing nice with each other.
"I finally got to see it. I'm more amazed that these people seem to like him than that someone ripped off his watch. I wonder if they are like in some backwards tribe and don't get the tv?"

It is far more likely they appreciate the support he is giving them in the Kosovo/Serbia "situation". They appreciate the fact that the US stood up for them under Clinton and that it continues to do so under Bush. Somehow I think they have enough to worry about without looking outside their borders to care whether or not the rest of the world is playing nice with each other.

Oh, could be. It's nice he has somewhere to go to get some love. Besides for Condi I mean. :)
"Pretty sad when Bush getting his watch stolen or not is big news...."

What is sad is that NO ONE responded to this....

"Bush didn't even flinch or react. Perhaps in another seven minutes.... "

It was at LEAST a little funny... :D