APP - watch out for older drivers...

Everyone age 50+ should have to retake a road test every 3 years. Failure to pass once revokes your license forever.
Let's just make it everyone, because frankly a master driver like myself shouldn't have to deal with thousands of road morons.
You want to pay those fees? Me neither. Not too mention the lines!

I neve have any lines at my SecState office, and it's well worth it to keep morons off the road. Either that, or let me dispense drivers education via a tire iron
Everyone age 50+ should have to retake a road test every 3 years. Failure to pass once revokes your license forever.

if you were 50+ would you say the same thing?

since i am retired, i do not drive as fast as i used to and leave more room between me and the car in front of me - just not in that big of a hurry anymore and yes, i check my mirrors before changing lanes (the car i drive has a lot of window space and little in the way of blind spots, but i still check my mirrors)
if you were 50+ would you say the same thing?

since i am retired, i do not drive as fast as i used to and leave more room between me and the car in front of me - just not in that big of a hurry anymore and yes, i check my mirrors before changing lanes (the car i drive has a lot of window space and little in the way of blind spots, but i still check my mirrors)
Were you to read further you'd notice that I revised my statement to include eeryone. So yes, I would feel the same regardless of my age. If you cannot do the speed limit, you shouldn't be driving.
Were you to read further you'd notice that I revised my statement to include eeryone. So yes, I would feel the same regardless of my age. If you cannot do the speed limit, you shouldn't be driving.

i did not say that i cannot do the speed limit, i said that i do not drive as fast as other people since i am not usually in as big a hurry

ps no tickets or accidents for over 20 years
i did not say that i cannot do the speed limit, i said that i do not drive as fast as other people since i am not usually in as big a hurry

ps no tickets or accidents for over 20 years

I was speaking generaly, not about you in specific.
The old and the young are the dangers. But the old tend to be worse. We had a man flagging traffic in a work zone that was hit by an elderly driver a couple of months ago. Plenty of visibility, stopping distance was excellent, exceeded the DOT requirements for and it was a clear day. The old man never hit his brakes.
Were you to read further you'd notice that I revised my statement to include eeryone. So yes, I would feel the same regardless of my age. If you cannot do the speed limit, you shouldn't be driving.
You're actually in the right of it there to include everyone. The political opposition from seniors and their political lobby would make it almost impossible to implement driving laws that are senior specific, no matter how valid the concern. The only feasable way to implment laws to protect us from Seniors with failing physical skills on the roads is to require everyone to do it. Personally I agree with Annie's solution but that would never fly politically.
There are too many morons on the road of any age. Fail once, you're never getting a license again.
Not to change the subject, but I have heard you bitch about bicyclist enough. If everyone on a motorized vehicle has to obtain a drivers license to drive on a public road way, shouldn't bicyclist too?
Not to change the subject, but I have heard you bitch about bicyclist enough. If everyone on a motorized vehicle has to obtain a drivers license to drive on a public road way, shouldn't bicyclist too?
Yup, I've long advocated for that. You want the same rights on the roads you should have the same responsibilities. Also means some for of insurance, mostly to cover you in any sort of accident.
Yup, I've long advocated for that. You want the same rights on the roads you should have the same responsibilities. Also means some for of insurance, mostly to cover you in any sort of accident.

Ehh I don't know about the insurance. You're not going to do much property damage to a car if you hit it with your bike but that's another thread. I don't have a problem with cyclist having to obtain a license for using the public roadways. I essentially had to take a test when I received my USCF license. One thing you learn when you participate in a UCSF event is that if you don't follow traffic laws and the safety rules of the peleton you will not to be allowed to participate. My two biggest pet peeves when cyclng in a group is people who don't obey traffic laws and those who don't follow the rules of etiquete for the peleton as their the ones that cause accidents and piss off motorist.
Ehh I don't know about the insurance. You're not going to do much property damage to a car if you hit it with your bike but that's another thread. I don't have a problem with cyclist having to obtain a license for using the public roadways. I essentially had to take a test when I received my USCF license. One thing you learn when you participate in a UCSF event is that if you don't follow traffic laws and the safety rules of the peleton you will not to be allowed to participate. My two biggest pet peeves when cyclng in a group is people who don't obey traffic laws and those who don't follow the rules of etiquete for the peleton as their the ones that cause accidents and piss off motorist.

The reason I say insurance is to basically ensure that the cyclist is covered from personal bodily injury bin case, say an uninsured driver hits them. I know that there are auto policies that do this, so it wouldn't be overtly burdesome on cyclists.
The reason I say insurance is to basically ensure that the cyclist is covered from personal bodily injury bin case, say an uninsured driver hits them. I know that there are auto policies that do this, so it wouldn't be overtly burdesome on cyclists.
No I don't think it would be. I actually have a rider on my auto insurance for coverage if I'm hit by a car on my bike and it was surprizingly cheap. About an extra $5.