Watch the Georgia recount VERY closely.


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It appears that the Republican SecState -who is under fire from both Georgia Republican Senators-is not following Georgia election law. He is conjoining two completely different processes to create a "hybrid" of sorts. This type of full vote counting by hand has never been done before.

The reality is that Georgia makes no difference. tRump will still lose the election. What may happen is in the Senate regarding two run-off elections if the vote count changes significantly.
It was the tRump campaign who requested the hand recount.

Of course. And Reds would come up with some other excuse that Trump did not lose, The state leaders keep giving into the conspiratorial Repubs. The calendar will save the Secty of State. Wed it will be over.
Of course. And Reds would come up with some other excuse that Trump did not lose, The state leaders keep giving into the conspiratorial Repubs. The calendar will save the Secty of State. Wed it will be over.

The Georgia SecState originally held his ground and appeared to actually be a Republican with a spine. Sadly, that didn't last long as he caved in typical Republican "spineless" fashion.