Watch "The Maltese Falcon" behold Sam Spade defend his legal rights from the Police


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Watch "The Maltese Falcon" behold Sam Spade defend his legal rights from the Police

Watch "The Maltese Falcon" to see Sam Spade defends his legal rights from the Police

Watch this classic masterpiece online for free at The Internet Archive.

Notice @10:07 the police (Ward Bond* & Barton MacLane*) detectives try to get Sam Spade to violate his client's privacy and the Private Investigator's code, but Sam asserts his legal rights against police intimidation.

Ward Bond - Detective Tom Polhaus

Barton MacLane - Lt. of Detectives Dundy

*Bond appears in the most films (seven) of the American Film Institute's list of the 100 Greatest American Movies: It Happened One Night (1934), Bringing Up Baby (1938), Gone with the Wind (1939), The Grapes of Wrath (1940), The Maltese Falcon (1941), It's a Wonderful Life (1946) and The Searchers (1956).

**Best known to the television generation as Gen. Peterson on I Dream of Jeannie (1965).