Watch the rapid decline of “white America” over three decades

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
It's no secret that America is becoming less white. According to Brookings Institution demographer William Frey, whites are on track to lose their majority status by 2042 or thereabouts. Driving this trend are immigration and intermarriage

In 1980, nearly half of U.S. counties -- 1,412 of them -- had populations that were almost exclusively (98 percent or more) white. Thirty years later, only 149 counties -- fewer than five percent -- fit that same description. The maps below chart this transformation, decade by decade...........

It's no secret that America is becoming less white. According to Brookings Institution demographer William Frey, whites are on track to lose their majority status by 2042 or thereabouts. Driving this trend are immigration and intermarriage

In 1980, nearly half of U.S. counties -- 1,412 of them -- had populations that were almost exclusively (98 percent or more) white. Thirty years later, only 149 counties -- fewer than five percent -- fit that same description. The maps below chart this transformation, decade by decade...........

Sady what I saw guano was large numbers of black democrats and democrats commit thousands of crimes nightly up to and including murder looting etc crime after cr9me sometimes thousand a night in small areas while black men like you condoned it. 8nstead of standing up like real men calling for it to stop

You sew guanos Americas future is multi racial
We all need to work together to stop crime and stop making it a issue about race. As long as its based on race and numbers black America will suffer until it actually trys to reapond to the real issues instead of blaming others for the issue.
Im smart enough to see this to bad your to fucking stupid to see it and inderstand the issue
It's no secret that America is becoming less white. According to Brookings Institution demographer William Frey, whites are on track to lose their majority status by 2042 or thereabouts. Driving this trend are immigration and intermarriage

In 1980, nearly half of U.S. counties -- 1,412 of them -- had populations that were almost exclusively (98 percent or more) white. Thirty years later, only 149 counties -- fewer than five percent -- fit that same description. The maps below chart this transformation, decade by decade...........

Black Democrat and white showed us all what they were made of with the riots.
Manly a bunch of lazy radical drug crazed criminals who hate America from what I say