Watermark finally entered my dreams


on indefiniate mod break
I had a weird dream last night.

First off yes this is a real dream, it may sound like a made up dream but it actually happened:

Basically I went back to highschool, and watermark was in my classroom.

The first thing that happened is I wanted to take notes on my laptop, but the teacher wouldn't let me. This made me VERY pissed off because I felt that she was curbing my learning efficiency because other kids didn't have their own laptops. I was raging. Who the fuck writes notes with pens these days?!?

Watermark wasn't really doing anything, he was just sitting in a corner and studying the blackboard or something, but THEN

I then had learned that I would have to take gym again. I was like FUCK THIS SHIT I have already done gym and I don't feel like playing floor hockey at 7:30 in the morning. Then watermark starts chimming in and we create a big debate. I said in my dream that I did not give a fuck at all and I will just insta take the F because I'm not doing shit.

Watermark and I then got like 4-5 other kids in the class to ditch and we went to ihop.

Then I was talking to this girl at our table and her boyfriend walked over, who was mad because I was talking to his girlfriend and having pancakes with her. He had on a leather jacket and sunglasses so you know he meant business. I told him that anyone that cries over someone eating pancakes with his girlfriend is immature, and that also I didn't give two shits what he thought about the situation because he's just a child.

Then the dream petered out and I woke up.
1) I still take notes with a pen and spiral, so fuck you!!
2) How can Watermark have been there, but no Krugman?
3) LOLZ at ihop, your subconscience is in good hands.
4) You went back to high school, and it was the 50s?
5) You really wasted WM in this dream. You should have just dreamed up Buzz Killington.
I've had dreams of the trinity. I think a Dennys' was involved. Maybe it was a police station. I can't remember. We were all drunk though.
I'm pretty sure I've had dreams when I've posted on JPP.com. Certainly I'm closer to many of the people on here than most people in real life.*

*WM has no friends
I'm pretty sure I've had dreams when I've posted on JPP.com. Certainly I'm closer to many of the people on here than most people in real life.*

*WM has no friends

i've never had dreams...but, have had strange night thoughts about jpp...maybe they are dreams to some, but not really, i don't dream about anyone, but have woke up on the middle of the night with some weird jpp train of thought...

i think this site is haunted. i am not sure damo is a real person.
i've never had dreams...but, have had strange night thoughts about jpp...maybe they are dreams to some, but not really, i don't dream about anyone, but have woke up on the middle of the night with some weird jpp train of thought...

i think this site is haunted. i am not sure damo is a real person.

I know I've had a few dreams involving the site, but I don't recall any of them, except the one involving LadyT (j/k). I do tell some people about the funny shit that goes on around here, though, like I mentioned Damo's comment above to whoever was in earshot because I LOLed.

Mostly the only people I ever talk about are the Holy Trinity, and Damo, because its hard to talk about a site without mentioning the admin. It was the same with SR back in the day when we were on FP...
i've never had dreams...but, have had strange night thoughts about jpp...maybe they are dreams to some, but not really, i don't dream about anyone, but have woke up on the middle of the night with some weird jpp train of thought...

i think this site is haunted. i am not sure damo is a real person.

Well, you actually dream several times throughout the night and forget all but the one you were having when you woke up, and you'll most likely forget that one too unless you write it down in a dream journal (which will become a huge pile of WTF).
Well, you actually dream several times throughout the night and forget all but the one you were having when you woke up, and you'll most likely forget that one too unless you write it down in a dream journal (which will become a huge pile of WTF).

i dreamed this post made sense, then i woke up