watermark IRL

I almost want Sanders to win just so Millennials can have their noses rubbed in the shit he will undoubtedly cause.

Wouldn't happen. He'd be an even weaker version of Jimmy Carter. He's from outside the Democratic party. Has always operated outside the party until he decided to run for President. His ability to get anything done within his own party has been dismal and he has a very poor track record in that respect and it's unlikely that this would improve as President let alone how he would be able to get things done with Republicans. So you wouldn't be able to rub anyones nose in anything cause it's very unlikely that Sanders would be able to do anything. That's assuming he's electable in a general election. I seriously doubt that he is.
Wouldn't happen. He'd be an even weaker version of Jimmy Carter. He's from outside the Democratic party. Has always operated outside the party until he decided to run for President. His ability to get anything done within his own party has been dismal and he has a very poor track record in that respect and it's unlikely that this would improve as President let alone how he would be able to get things done with Republicans. So you wouldn't be able to rub anyones nose in anything cause it's very unlikely that Sanders would be able to do anything. That's assuming he's electable in a general election. I seriously doubt that he is.

So he sounds exactly like Corbyn then, a man that has never held any office of state, always supported terrorists, detests his own country's history and has been an outsider all his life!
Wouldn't happen. He'd be an even weaker version of Jimmy Carter. He's from outside the Democratic party. Has always operated outside the party until he decided to run for President. His ability to get anything done within his own party has been dismal and he has a very poor track record in that respect and it's unlikely that this would improve as President let alone how he would be able to get things done with Republicans. So you wouldn't be able to rub anyones nose in anything cause it's very unlikely that Sanders would be able to do anything. That's assuming he's electable in a general election. I seriously doubt that he is.

So tell that to the Pussy Posse, they seem to think Bernie walks on water!