
1:28:08 AM Watermark: YOU SUCK
Watermark Changed status to Offline (1:28:11 AM)

1:28:15 AM me: FUCK YOU

Watermark changed status to Online (2:31:02 AM)

2:31:17 AM Watermark: LOL DUE YOU SUCK SO MUCH
Watermark changed status to Offline (2:31:22 AM)

Watermark is the same as ever . .
1:28:08 AM Watermark: YOU SUCK
Watermark Changed status to Offline (1:28:11 AM)

1:28:15 AM me: FUCK YOU

Watermark changed status to Online (2:31:02 AM)

2:31:17 AM Watermark: LOL DUE YOU SUCK SO MUCH
Watermark changed status to Offline (2:31:22 AM)

Watermark is the same as ever . .

LOL! Whew, that's a relief! :p
No but my house is flooded right now.

I'm sorry to hear that, WM! I didn't know where in MS you live, but the whole state (and Louisiana, too) is under tornado watch today as well. The pictures of the aftermath of that tornado were pretty horrible. Luckily nobody was killed, but several were injured and houses were reduced to rubble.
I'm sorry to hear that, WM! I didn't know where in MS you live, but the whole state (and Louisiana, too) is under tornado watch today as well. The pictures of the aftermath of that tornado were pretty horrible. Luckily nobody was killed, but several were injured and houses were reduced to rubble.

Well it's good to know somebody cares. :)

You are like the nicest poster here thorn.

There's storms all over this state, and the waterline nearly reached the bottom of our house. We live right next to a creek, and throughout my entire life the water has never flooded that high. It receded as soon as it reached there, thank god, and left no serious damage to our house. We don't have flood insurance. :shock:

Hopefully it doesn't rain again. It was supposed to start raining again at 12 or 1 here, but thankfully it never did.

I guess I'm going to have to attribute this lucky event to God now. Everybody knows that God gets credit for every unusually lucky event, and every unusually unlucky even that happens has nothing to do with him (unless you're the bad guy, which you never are).