
I punched in "The national noahide new world order Jewish movement." in a search engine--and found this obstructive view point of the movement here.


Is this what you think is a good idea for people---all people? Is this the movement that you support?

AzzHatZombie--I would love to hear your thoughts on this also.

Majority, I was joking. The "national noahide new world order jewish movement" is just something AssHat whines on about constantly. He uses the word "noahide" in place of "Jew" in order to seem less anti-semitic.
Majority, I was joking. The "national noahide new world order jewish movement" is just something AssHat whines on about constantly. He uses the word "noahide" in place of "Jew" in order to seem less anti-semitic.

OK then--you were joking. But, you did say I was stoping a movement that you seem to support by calling liberials the commies that they really are becoming. What is that movement/projct you were refering to? Stop joking around, I can't pick you apart if you always evade me when I am being critical of your own words.

Your no laywer either man---your a politician through and through. My type of politics is more ethical though. I will never evade any question.
Majority, I was joking. The "national noahide new world order jewish movement" is just something AssHat whines on about constantly. He uses the word "noahide" in place of "Jew" in order to seem less anti-semitic.

No. have you learned nothing, dweebus? Noahides are explicitly non-jews, but they DO believe jews are gods' chosen people. They are none jews bound by torah law, according to the Rabbinic Tradition, to serve jews as a subservient slave race. All non jews are considered subject to noahide laws, whether they want to be or not. When the world is bound under the the noahide laws, moshiach will return and implement Olam Ha Ba.
majority, define communism in your own words.

Communism, is a idealism of being a collectivist society, not a free society with the government being run by the citizens who keep what they earn and take care of themselfs with the promise they can be anything they want to be as a individual.

Socialists are people that believe that communist/collectivist ideology.

This board is much more socialist, and therefor, communist than you understand. Like watermark hinted to at another post--the meaning of the word freedom is all but lost.

Of course--those are more traditional meanings to communisum and socialists---they have been twisted by supporters of socialism in this country I am sure. They are taught that we should trust a government to dictate our lives by doing what government says is good for the all---but all history probably shows other wise. I know your going to tell me how twisted those difinitions have become now---so fire away. I wanna see what you are being taught in commie college today.

You never explained the "project" I am trying to stop by "falsly labeling the project a road to communisum".

Please explain this "project" you speak of--and show me I am wrong! This is the fourth time I asked you to explain yourself, with no reply of facts from you, or no reply at all from you.

Tell me of this "project"----and talk to me like I am a 4 year old so I can throughly understand--"the Project that is not a road to socialism/communisum".