Watershed Moment: Why I'm off the reservation

Kamala Trump

Verified User
It was the Dubai Ports World deal. When one day george bush claimed no knowledge and the next moment he claimed it was thoroughly vetted, my alarms went off. Dubai running ports in america? I've always known about the NWO and used to be just like dixie, but I didn't really realize the planned fate for america. We are to fall under islamic totalitarianism, just like europe.

When it comes to maintaining a buffer state between israel and her enemies, Islam is Islamofascism. But when it comes to protecting america from the muslim invasion, it's the religion of peace.

I could no longer stomache such stark hypocrisy and obvious double standard, you shouldn't either
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I've always known about the NWO and used to be just like dixie, but I didn't really realize the planned fate for america. We are to fall under islamic totalitarianism, just like europe.

Yeah. Sweden has been hit particularly hard with the brand of islamic totalitarianism you speak of. Why I heard just the other day a suicide bombers plot to blow up a pig farm was narrowly thwarted. Good thing people like you are out there to spread the good word and truth.:nodyes: :foil:
Yeah. Sweden has been hit particularly hard with the brand of islamic totalitarianism you speak of. Why I heard just the other day a suicide bombers plot to blow up a pig farm was narrowly thwarted. Good thing people like you are out there to spread the good word and truth.:nodyes: :foil:

A. DO you think islam advocates theocracy and are it's adherents understanding it to advocate theocracy?

B. Do you want to live under a muslim theocracy? Or any theocracy?
When one day george bush claimed no knowledge and the next moment he claimed it was thoroughly vetted, my alarms went off. Dubai running ports in america? I've always known about the NWO and used to be just like dixie, but I didn't really realize the planned fate for america. We are to fall under islamic totalitarianism, just like europe.

You are a complete mental retard, you are not conservative, have never been "like dixie" and never will be "like dixie" in this life, or probably the next. (it will take most of eternity to overcome you level of pinheadeness.)

Once again, put on your tin foil hats and let's all fantasize about some dark evil conspiracy, where Dick Cheney is going to control the world, and we are going to be his slaves!

Dubai, UAE is a modern Islamic nation in the Persian Gulf region, they are mostly moderate Arab Muslims, who do not subscribe to the radical wacko fundamentalist views spewed by OBL. They are very much capitalistic, and have amassed a small empire of capitalist venture, including Trump Dubai, a multi-billion dollar commercial development project funded by the government and 'The Donald' himself.

Paranoia is what killed the ports deal, and it was nothing more than that. Our unwillingness to refrain from judgement of these people, because they are Muslim. Rather than take this opportunity to mend some fences with the Arab Muslim world, we chose to sit in typical American prejudice judgement against them, and I think it was a terrible public relations move on our part to kill the deal. Especially since the only tenable reason for nixing it, was because we fear Muslims.

AssHat gets a lot of mileage out of fear, which is why I don't believe he is, or ever has been, a conservative. No conservative I have ever known has invoked fear and paranoia so vehemently as he, and it just seems to continue on day after day here. One outrageous paranoid claim after another, like a typical knee-jerk reactionary liberal.

Now, Liberals really gripe my ass, but people like AssHat, who want to come off as some kind of 'conservative who's seen the light' are downright offensive to me, they insult my intelligence by expecting me to buy their line. I have more respect for Prissy and Ornut, at least they don't try to hide what they really are, and pretend to be something else. Why do you do it, AssHat? Do you really think there are any conservatives who are fooled by your routine? We're not that fucking stupid!
When one day george bush claimed no knowledge and the next moment he claimed it was thoroughly vetted, my alarms went off. Dubai running ports in america? I've always known about the NWO and used to be just like dixie, but I didn't really realize the planned fate for america. We are to fall under islamic totalitarianism, just like europe.

You are a complete mental retard, you are not conservative, have never been "like dixie" and never will be "like dixie" in this life, or probably the next. (it will take most of eternity to overcome you level of pinheadeness.)

Once again, put on your tin foil hats and let's all fantasize about some dark evil conspiracy, where Dick Cheney is going to control the world, and we are going to be his slaves!

Dubai, UAE is a modern Islamic nation in the Persian Gulf region, they are mostly moderate Arab Muslims, who do not subscribe to the radical wacko fundamentalist views spewed by OBL. They are very much capitalistic, and have amassed a small empire of capitalist venture, including Trump Dubai, a multi-billion dollar commercial development project funded by the government and 'The Donald' himself.

Paranoia is what killed the ports deal, and it was nothing more than that. Our unwillingness to refrain from judgement of these people, because they are Muslim. Rather than take this opportunity to mend some fences with the Arab Muslim world, we chose to sit in typical American prejudice judgement against them, and I think it was a terrible public relations move on our part to kill the deal. Especially since the only tenable reason for nixing it, was because we fear Muslims.

AssHat gets a lot of mileage out of fear, which is why I don't believe he is, or ever has been, a conservative. No conservative I have ever known has invoked fear and paranoia so vehemently as he, and it just seems to continue on day after day here. One outrageous paranoid claim after another, like a typical knee-jerk reactionary liberal.

Now, Liberals really gripe my ass, but people like AssHat, who want to come off as some kind of 'conservative who's seen the light' are downright offensive to me, they insult my intelligence by expecting me to buy their line. I have more respect for Prissy and Ornut, at least they don't try to hide what they really are, and pretend to be something else. Why do you do it, AssHat? Do you really think there are any conservatives who are fooled by your routine? We're not that fucking stupid!

It's good the port deal was killed. Only idiots thinks it's a good idea to let islamic dictators run our ports.

Im fear mongering? You sound like the liberals you decry so often.
LOL.... yeah, that's kinda what I figured you'd have to say.... nuthin!

I reiterated how stupid it is to let dubai anywhere near our port operations, and also indicated what a hypocrite you are for accusing me of "fear mongering". It's nothing all right, nothing you can refute, anyway.

do you believe islam is the religion of peace, like your daddy bush says? What about islamofascism? Is that term only used when it's time to protect jews?
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Why do you hate Jews so much? Do you have a swastika flag hanging on the wall in your computer room? I mean, I pretty much hate Liberalism, but if I am losing a debate on egg prices in China, I don't revert to blaming it on Liberalism! You must have been indoctrinated by the Nazi's at an early age or something, that's the only explanation I can come up with for you bitter hatred of Jews.
Why do you hate Jews so much? Do you have a swastika flag hanging on the wall in your computer room? I mean, I pretty much hate Liberalism, but if I am losing a debate on egg prices in China, I don't revert to blaming it on Liberalism! You must have been indoctrinated by the Nazi's at an early age or something, that's the only explanation I can come up with for you bitter hatred of Jews.
I don't hate jews so much, I just think we, Americans, deserve the same right to borders and protection from islam that our boys are dying for to give to israel.
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I don't hate jews so much

Nah... of course you don't... it's politically incorrect to claim that, right?

You just want to blame Jews for all the problems of the world, including things like a port contract between the US and UAE, which they had nothing to do with, but you don't "hate" them... not so much, anyway, right?
I don't hate jews so much

Nah... of course you don't... it's politically incorrect to claim that, right?

You just want to blame Jews for all the problems of the world, including things like a port contract between the US and UAE, which they had nothing to do with, but you don't "hate" them... not so much, anyway, right?

Pay close attention, stillbirth. I was bringing up your double standard regarding islam in the mideast (islamofascism), versus islam in the west (the religion of peace). The difference is israel. You're more concerned with protecting israel, than you are with protecting the united states. Can you even comprehend my allegation? Or the truth of it?
Oh I comprehend you totally, you are a Jew hating Nazi, it seems. The Jews are responsible for all the problems of the world, and everything I support is because I am a Jew lover. I get it completely!

Now "truth" ...that's a different subject, you wouldn't acknowledge the truth if it bit you in the ass, because the truth doesn't support your hatred for the Jews. For instance, the Jews had nothing to do with the Dubai port deal, yet you want to make them responsible somehow. That isn't the truth, it's a lie, propagated by you, a Jew hating Nazi! ...yeah, I get it!
Oh I comprehend you totally, you are a Jew hating Nazi, it seems. The Jews are responsible for all the problems of the world, and everything I support is because I am a Jew lover. I get it completely!

Now "truth" ...that's a different subject, you wouldn't acknowledge the truth if it bit you in the ass, because the truth doesn't support your hatred for the Jews. For instance, the Jews had nothing to do with the Dubai port deal, yet you want to make them responsible somehow. That isn't the truth, it's a lie, propagated by you, a Jew hating Nazi! ...yeah, I get it!

You don't get it. You have a double standard for jews. I was only mentioning that. Jews must be protected, americans... not so much. This is what you think. You're brainwashed, dontcha know.
I have long ago stated, and still firmly stick to the statement, I will not vote for somebody who does not convince me that they will do something about the porous border and ports. I would also like a Balanced Budget Amendment, but first things first. If we are truly in a war on terror the stupidest thing we can do is maintain wide open borders and ports.
I have long ago stated, and still firmly stick to the statement, I will not vote for somebody who does not convince me that they will do something about the porous border and ports. I would also like a Balanced Budget Amendment, but first things first. If we are truly in a war on terror the stupidest thing we can do is maintain wide open borders and ports.
But it's what we're doing, based on economic arguments. With this issue, as with china, they're putting economic concerns above security concerns and calling people who complain about it "ignorant, protectionist populists". The New World Order can suck my balls.