Way too many citizens being killed by police!

Ross Dolan

Well-known member
There are way too many shootings or other happenings that result in the death of people at the hands of the police…with very little or no accountability for the cops.

That has got to stop.

But…how to do it?

Well…one way might be to REQUIRE that any law officer who kills someone or who causes a death (or abets another officer in doing that)…immediately resign or be fired.

No exceptions.

If it is clear-cut that the death was both justified and necessary, that could quickly be determined by a jury panel established just for that purpose. The individual would essentially have to establish that the death met that criteria. And if the panel finds that to be the case, the individual could be re-hired.

This would not be establishing a “guilty until proven innocent” protocol. There would be no punishment other than not being able to hold a job requiring that it be done without killing people unless there is a significant reason established for doing so.

Harsh! Yeah. I’ve got seven family members/close relatives who either are currently cops or who were cops before retiring. They probably would not be happy with my suggestion here.

Fact of the matter is that I am not either.

But SOMETHING has to be done to stop this carnage!

If you’ve got a better suggestion, I’d love to hear it.
If you’ve got a better suggestion, I’d love to hear it.

OK, here it is:

There are way too many shootings or other happenings that result in the death of people at the hands of the police…with very little or no accountability for the cops.

That has got to stop.

But…how to do it?

Well…one way might be to REQUIRE that any law officer who kills someone or who causes a death (or abets another officer in doing that)…immediately resign or be fired.

No exceptions.

If it is clear-cut that the death was both justified and necessary, that could quickly be determined by a jury panel established just for that purpose. The individual would essentially have to establish that the death met that criteria. And if the panel finds that to be the case, the individual could be re-hired.

This would not be establishing a “guilty until proven innocent” protocol. There would be no punishment other than not being able to hold a job requiring that it be done without killing people unless there is a significant reason established for doing so.

Harsh! Yeah. I’ve got seven family members/close relatives who either are currently cops or who were cops before retiring. They probably would not be happy with my suggestion here.

Fact of the matter is that I am not either.

But SOMETHING has to be done to stop this carnage!

If you’ve got a better suggestion, I’d love to hear it.

It's police being out of control and needing restructuring and training. Get war trained soldiers out of the ranks. If this kind of petition is needed you know they get away with heinous abuses. https://www.thepetitionsite.com/258...-cop-shot-it-dead./?taf_id=66702382&cid=fb_na
There are way too many shootings or other happenings that result in the death of people at the hands of the police…with very little or no accountability for the cops.

That has got to stop.

But…how to do it?

Well…one way might be to REQUIRE that any law officer who kills someone or who causes a death (or abets another officer in doing that)…immediately resign or be fired.

No exceptions.

If it is clear-cut that the death was both justified and necessary, that could quickly be determined by a jury panel established just for that purpose. The individual would essentially have to establish that the death met that criteria. And if the panel finds that to be the case, the individual could be re-hired.

This would not be establishing a “guilty until proven innocent” protocol. There would be no punishment other than not being able to hold a job requiring that it be done without killing people unless there is a significant reason established for doing so.

Harsh! Yeah. I’ve got seven family members/close relatives who either are currently cops or who were cops before retiring. They probably would not be happy with my suggestion here.

Fact of the matter is that I am not either.

But SOMETHING has to be done to stop this carnage!

If you’ve got a better suggestion, I’d love to hear it.

Tell the idiots that shoot at cops they'll get shot if they make that mistake.

It's not up to the one being accused to prove his/her innocence. It's up to pussies like you to prove their guilt. We know your old ass hates that concept.
This review already occurs and vindicates most.
If you are concerned about it then perhaps you should explore why people are putting themselves into situations that risk this in the first place.
You seek to manipulate the effect without addressing the cause.