Ways to beat inflation


Worst gambler ever
2 words: Garage sale.

I need to start packing my lunch to work to avoid $11 McDonalds meals in Waikiki, and lo and behold, a tool that will helm me achieve this for $1.

Who says there are no bargains out there?


Yeah, most fast food prices have skyrocketed over the past decade. At least there is still Dicks for anyone in the Seattle area. I stop by there everytime I roll into town. :)
It's true though, matt saves $40 bucks a week, about $180 a month, by packing his lunch!

Plus giving him a list and having him stop at the grocery store on the way home when needed instead of a separate trip here...

and he no longer drives the car that gets 24 miles to the gallonl, but the car that get 34 miles to the gallon for his 60 mile round trip drive to work....

but none of this will even make an iota of difference when it comes to having to buy 800 gallons of oil to heat your home for a 5-7 month period..... :(

It's true though, matt saves $40 bucks a week, about $180 a month, by packing his lunch!

Plus giving him a list and having him stop at the grocery store on the way home when needed instead of a separate trip here...

and he no longer drives the car that gets 24 miles to the gallonl, but the car that get 34 miles to the gallon for his 60 mile round trip drive to work....

but none of this will even make an iota of difference when it comes to having to buy 800 gallons of oil to heat your home for a 5-7 month period..... :(


Yeah nat gas is supposed to be up 45% and propane looks to be about the same increase this year here.

I say tax all political commercials to help pay heating costs this winter. It is the only way I can see to use all that hot air.
Yeah nat gas is supposed to be up 45% and propane looks to be about the same increase this year here.

I say tax all political commercials to help pay heating costs this winter. It is the only way I can see to use all that hot air.
LOL. I like it.