APP - We All Owe This Much

Merry Christmas Freedom. It is a great video. Have you noticed not one lefty has said anything about our troops? So much for their caring.

They're probably to busy, telling their kids that there is no Santa Claus and then running out and protesting at all the welfare sites.
Merry Christmas Freedom. It is a great video. Have you noticed not one lefty has said anything about our troops? So much for their caring.

you asswhole righties have the troops in such a cluster fuck many of them are murdering innocent muslems.:pke:
Being the inquisitive person I am I did a little research on cluster fuck and it's
G-rated pseudonym is charlie foxtrot.

Now if you'd only do a little research on Socialism, Marxism, and Communism and how those ideas are diametrically opposed to the individual freedom and personal responsibility that the United States was founded on.......
Merry Christmas Freedom. It is a great video. Have you noticed not one lefty has said anything about our troops? So much for their caring.

Just what I expected from you...

Any moments I may take during the day to say a prayer for our troops are just that. Private moments between me and God, and I certainly don't need to run them by any liver-spotted faux "patriot" like you to validate them or to make sure they are "patriotic" enough to pass your scrutiny.

Some of us don't feel the need to flaunt our "patriotism" in front of the class, sadly there are many who think their vocifererous declarations of support somehow means they care more.
Lets jsut remember how Bush treated the troops.

Mulitiple tours, bad medical treatment, refusing to diagnose Head trama and PTSD, forcing people to stay in the military beyond their contracts, no body armour, unarmored vehicles, showers that electrocuted them, rape, bloody floors in mess halls and so much more.
Lets jsut remember how Bush treated the troops.

Mulitiple tours, bad medical treatment, refusing to diagnose Head trama and PTSD, forcing people to stay in the military beyond their contracts, no body armour, unarmored vehicles, showers that electrocuted them, rape, bloody floors in mess halls and so much more.
I've noticed Obama hasn't brought the troops home yet. Go the fuck away, hypocrite
Now if you'd only do a little research on Socialism, Marxism, and Communism and how those ideas are diametrically opposed to the individual freedom and personal responsibility that the United States was founded on.......

Implementing social programs is not Socialism, Marxism or Communism.
Merry Christmas Freedom. It is a great video. Have you noticed not one lefty has said anything about our troops? So much for their caring.
Did you notice how long it took one of you morons to politicize this? 3rd post! Further down you will see how evince turns this into a thread about how much Bush hated the troops. Both sides should just FUCK OFF! This is NOT about which political affiliation loves the troops more or which one has more contempt for them. This is about WHAT THE MEN AND WOMEN on the line do for us and how we should all just be greatful for their service to our country. Instead you morons had to turn this into some game of political one upsmanship. You wanna show the troops how much you appreciate them, send care packages, join a group that sends other wants and needs. I personally enjoy Cigars for Our Troops. If you really want to show them how much you care, enlist, relieve them on the line. Otherwise, use what brains you have to figure out when it is appropriate to shut the fuck up about the politics of this. HINT: Now is one of those times. As Annie said when she started this tread, This is neither left or right.