We are Experiencing "Darkness at Noon" thanks to the Democrat party


Well-known member
In the U.S., in 1984, it was "Morning in America," due to Ronald Reagan, but now we are experiencing "Darkness at Noon."
And a "Brave New World," which is neither new nor brave.

This sick and "Depraved New World" has been brought to you by the Democrat party, which now appears to be a wholly owned
subsidiary of....Satan.

So "progressive" Democrats say, "Let's celebrate baby-killing! Let's defund and attack the police! Let's glorify crime! Let's sanction
and subsidize theft, robbery, and burglary! Let's mock religion and demean heterosexuality and masculinity! Let's worship gender
confusion and mental illness! Let's attack reason, discipline, dignity, and competence! Let's deny objective truth! Let's herald the
burgeoning chaos and tyranny as the savior of "our democracy!" F**K the founders and screw the concepts of natural rights and
natural law. There is no higher power than today's Democrat party! No one--and that includes you--has any rights other than those
we say you have!" :palm:

The out of control Biden borders, crime, inflation, unsafe streets, hordes of thugs stealing from stores, and our credit rating downgrade.

The president in power prosecuting his political rival…banana republic stuff, third world country stuff.