We Are in a New Cold War With China and We Have the Knowledge to Win Video The Chin


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We Are in a New Cold War With China and We Have the Knowledge to Win


The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is declaring they are siding with Russia. In a diverging world of autocratic governments versus Western nations, many are wondering what factors determine a successful defense against various types of warfare from Russia and Communist China. In particular, when it comes to Taiwan, an island not bigger than the state of Maryland, facing a potential invasion from China.
Today’s guest is Brigadier General David Stilwell, he is the former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia Pacific. He discusses what resolves means to the Asian allies after seeing the invasion in Ukraine. How the war in Eastern Europe reflects China’s aggression, and why it matters to counter information warfare. All this contributes to a new Cold War with China that is more comprehensive than just nuclear deterrence.