we are living in the future


on indefiniate mod break

It's the fucking SECOND MILLENNIUM.

billions of humans before our time looked forward to such an arbitrary date.

man it's mind blowing
It must have been wild when people were in the middle of 100 or 200 years of serfdom, with no memory of a time before serfdom, and no notion of ever seeing it change. You worked or the nobleman would kick your ass, and later on the nobleman had a king kicking his ass, and then there was a church which santified the whole thing and acted like dicks. long stretches of bad time.
Grind, its the Third Millenium.

1. 1-1000
2. 1001-2000
3. 2001-3000
Only 663 to go before Jeebus comes back to throw me into a fiery pit of pain for being good but not believing in him.

Only 663,000 more years to prepare you unbelievers!

Revelation 13:18 (King James Version)

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Only 663 to go before Jeebus comes back to throw me into a fiery pit of pain for being good but not believing in him.

Only 663,000 more years to prepare you unbelievers!

I figure Christ is either going to come back on 12/21/2012, sometime in 2033 (like Easter), or else 2029 when there is a potential asteroid threat.

Otherwise I have no further guesses...
I figure Christ is either going to come back on 12/21/2012, sometime in 2033 (like Easter), or else 2029 when there is a potential asteroid threat.

Otherwise I have no further guesses...

He already came back and we are the rejected ones.
That would explain a lot.