We are the Champions


New member
My men's softball team one the championship in our league tonight. Yeah big deal, but it was fun.

Speed kills. We were younger, at least in appearance, than all the other teams. We outran them, out defended them, and out pure hit them (i.e. base hits over home runs though we got our share of home runs).

We lost two games this year. The first one we lost by making several errors and failed by one. The other we only lost because we were short players, it did not matter to the seatings, the umpire stunk it up and we still only lost by one. In replays we beat those teams by double digits. We beat the second place team in all three matches by wide margins.

I had two home runs this season but was probably one of the weaker links on a solid team.

My coed team is looking to play for the championship too. I have two ITP HRs in that league.
Cool, I just signed up for intramural softball on the engineering team. I'm not an engineering student, but I have played with them the last two years, have some friends in that department, and they can generally use as many extra hands as they can get.
It's a hell of a lot of fun. Pretty good exercise too. I am going to try to get in as many leagues as I can. Hopefully, I can get a little more consistent at the plate and improve in the field.
Need to cut medical costs.

When I worked in Tampa, it was a standing joke on how many would wind up in the emergency room from the softball games.