We had some odd people at the prison


Quite a few actually. One such person was Bob. Bob worked in the laundry department and every morning Bob would take a crew of inmates all around the prison collecting dirty laundry. Oh yes I failed to mention Bob was a woman. She wasn't fat, but she was tall and big. Nice figure and if she ever fell flat on her face, her face would never touch the ground. But Bob was not her real name, and I'm getting to why they called her Bob.

One day I had just assumed post at the common area where all the gates that led into the housing units were and here came Bob and her crew. As I opened the gate for her and her crew, she said "Good Morning Mike" and I said "Hey Bob how are you today?" She was fine she said. A few minutes later she was waiting at another gate for me to come let her in and I overheard one of her crew ask her, "Hey Miss Wilson, why does that officer call you Bob all the time?" She said, "Because I'm a Big Ole Bitch!" Lmao!
Quite a few actually. One such person was Bob. Bob worked in the laundry department and every morning Bob would take a crew of inmates all around the prison collecting dirty laundry. Oh yes I failed to mention Bob was a woman. She wasn't fat, but she was tall and big. Nice figure and if she ever fell flat on her face, her face would never touch the ground. But Bob was not her real name, and I'm getting to why they called her Bob.

One day I had just assumed post at the common area where all the gates that led into the housing units were and here came Bob and her crew. As I opened the gate for her and her crew, she said "Good Morning Mike" and I said "Hey Bob how are you today?" She was fine she said. A few minutes later she was waiting at another gate for me to come let her in and I overheard one of her crew ask her, "Hey Miss Wilson, why does that officer call you Bob all the time?" She said, "Because I'm a Big Ole Bitch!" Lmao!

How much time did you spend in prison???????????????????
Quite a few actually. One such person was Bob. Bob worked in the laundry department and every morning Bob would take a crew of inmates all around the prison collecting dirty laundry. Oh yes I failed to mention Bob was a woman. She wasn't fat, but she was tall and big. Nice figure and if she ever fell flat on her face, her face would never touch the ground. But Bob was not her real name, and I'm getting to why they called her Bob.

One day I had just assumed post at the common area where all the gates that led into the housing units were and here came Bob and her crew. As I opened the gate for her and her crew, she said "Good Morning Mike" and I said "Hey Bob how are you today?" She was fine she said. A few minutes later she was waiting at another gate for me to come let her in and I overheard one of her crew ask her, "Hey Miss Wilson, why does that officer call you Bob all the time?" She said, "Because I'm a Big Ole Bitch!" Lmao!

Be careful not to get caught fucking his bobhole or you'll end up wearing a number yourself.