We have at least one Barn Owl, sometimes there are two in there...


Staff member
I am not sure if one is visiting the other or if they live like a family....


I am hoping I get to see some baby barn owls in the near future.

I'll try to get some pictures next time I go out to get some goat hay on the trailer.
So, this is what I found about them living together:

Barn owls are solitary, or found in pairs. They are nocturnal, and roost during the day in tree cavities, cliff crevices, riverbanks, barns, nest boxes, churches steeples, and other man-made structures.
I am not sure if one is visiting the other or if they live like a family....


I am hoping I get to see some baby barn owls in the near future.

I'll try to get some pictures next time I go out to get some goat hay on the trailer.

Very cool. I found an owl in my back yard last week, had been killed by the cats, but we’ve had several around. Little ones.
You're just arguing for the sake of arguing. Good day Sir! I said good day!

No, I am not. I'm not saying Jarod saw what he claimed. I'm saying it's a well known fact cats climb trees after birds and kill them indiscriminately. That is all.
I am not sure if one is visiting the other or if they live like a family....


I am hoping I get to see some baby barn owls in the near future.

I'll try to get some pictures next time I go out to get some goat hay on the trailer.

Must be nesting season. They don't typically hang around each other after the chicks have fledged and moved on. Awesome! Please post some pics if you get some.
I am not sure if one is visiting the other or if they live like a family....


I am hoping I get to see some baby barn owls in the near future.

I'll try to get some pictures next time I go out to get some goat hay on the trailer.

Sounds like a mating pair to me. They'll keep the rodent population down for ya! :thup:
No, you're evil. Saying it once was bad enough, then you repeated it. Evil.

And you're a liberal idiot. Cats are evil.

13 reasons why cats are just plain evil

"Cats are not fluffy balls of goodness, they are murdering, evil monsters..."



The only good cat is a dead one.