Ross Dolan

Well-known member
…than we did yesterday. It is not unreasonable to suppose we will have less tomorrow...and even less every “tomorrow” from then on.

That just seems to be the way things are working out. More CCTV and more intrusion into the Internet seems to guarantee that.

I personally see less personal privacy as a potential benefit to humankind. I acknowledge that most others see it as something disgusting…something to avoid at all costs.

I doubt we will avoid it.

Anyway…I am reading a sci fi book that seem to deal with the issue. I’m only 2% into the book…but I am going to recommend it now. Not sure how the author will ultimately deal with the issue, but I’ll see. And no matter how it goes, I suspect both sides will be extensively explored.

And in any case, before getting into an exploration of the issue, the author requires some deep thinking…which I welcome in any book on any subject.

The book is Gnomen, by Nick Harkaway.
First thank you for coming on over to APP to start threads.

I would like you to expound on your position that having less personal privacy being a benefit to humankind. How so?

My position is that one should be free to decide how much of their person life they are willing to divulge. I have read stories where Facebook is able to gather information on people who don't even use their service. I have a real problem with that. If you are using their free service then you should know that selling your data is how they make their money. Selling personal data is nothing new. Magazines used to do it all the time.

I think it is dangerous and could be a threat to individual liberty. I presume that those who are in favor of an ever powerful and growing central government would be in favor of constant surveillance and ending of privacy as it will be easier to coerce people into "appropriate government behaviors"
Hello Frank,

I am sure it is true.

The reason is obvious.

Earth is overcrowded with humans.

And it will continue because we are too stupid to control our population growth.

How can we call ourselves intelligent when we know that the Earth is only so big, and that the more of us there are, the more problems we encounter from sharing limited resources?

It is logical that we first stabilize our population number, then we scrutinize our given resources and make a calculation of the optimal number of humans this planet can comfortably support. Then we should take measures to achieve that goal. That is what we would do if we were truly intelligent.

But we are not that smart, so we are doomed to overcrowding.

Loss of personal privacy is the result of our own stupidity.
First thank you for coming on over to APP to start threads.

I would like you to expound on your position that having less personal privacy being a benefit to humankind. How so?

Hey, ILA. Glad to make this attempt in APP. Hope it goes nicely.

Pragmatism informs me that less personal privacy CAN BE a benefit to humankind. Eliminate ALL personal privacy...and we would have total transparency. No con artists; no liars selling us stuff we don't need; no unnecessary medical procedures; no investments that are more dangerous than our personal needs; no backstabbing; no promotions because of nepotism rather than ability and utility; get the idea.

My position is that one should be free to decide how much of their person life they are willing to divulge.

Okay. Reasonable position to have.

I have read stories where Facebook is able to gather information on people who don't even use their service.

If your decision is to decide what you are willing to divulge...DO NOT GO NEAR FACEBOOK. NEVER. FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.

ANYTHING you want to keep secret should only be shared with dead people. The moment you share ANYTHING with another living essentially give up your right to expect it be kept secret. YOU yourself have given up that right.

I have a real problem with that. If you are using their free service then you should know that selling your data is how they make their money. Selling personal data is nothing new. Magazines used to do it all the time.

Refer to my comment above.

Please add to that..."Be extremely careful of any activity on the Internet."

I think it is dangerous and could be a threat to individual liberty.

Not sure of the predicate for this comment.

If you do not want your privacy intruded upon by the forces you are mentioning...DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN THOSE not divulge to anyone any of the things you want kept secret.

I presume that those who are in favor of an ever powerful and growing central government would be in favor of constant surveillance and ending of privacy as it will be easier to coerce people into "appropriate government behaviors"

You are free to presume that...and I will champion your right to do so. I would fight for your right to make such a presumption.

I think you are wrong, but I understand your feeling there.
Hello Frank,

I am sure it is true.

The reason is obvious.

Earth is overcrowded with humans.

And it will continue because we are too stupid to control our population growth.

How can we call ourselves intelligent when we know that the Earth is only so big, and that the more of us there are, the more problems we encounter from sharing limited resources?

It is logical that we first stabilize our population number, then we scrutinize our given resources and make a calculation of the optimal number of humans this planet can comfortably support. Then we should take measures to achieve that goal. That is what we would do if we were truly intelligent.

But we are not that smart, so we are doomed to overcrowding.

Loss of personal privacy is the result of our own stupidity.

We definitely are overcrowded...and humanity is polluting the planet Earth in ways both gross and subtle. I wish we could get a grip on the continued increasing population problem, but not sure how it can be done. Perhaps nature itself will provide the answer.

In any case, the expectations of privacy humans had in times gone by...are unreasonable for today.

If you walk down a street in New York City, Los Angeles, or Chicago for instance...any expectations you have that your walk is private and not subject to review by others is an absurdity.
Hello Frank,

We definitely are overcrowded...and humanity is polluting the planet Earth in ways both gross and subtle. I wish we could get a grip on the continued increasing population problem, but not sure how it can be done. Perhaps nature itself will provide the answer.

If we don't provide the answer we like, nature will provide a less desirable answer.