APP - We Need a New Communist Party

I'm Watermark

"All of these weapons must be developed simultaneously according to the level of the struggle. However, at each stage of development, one of the three must be stressed. At this period, it is the central task of U.S. communists to build a new communist party and all other work must be developed in accordance with this task. Because like the people in China before 1921 (the founding of the Chinese Communist Party), the people in the U.S. are fighting against exploitation, war and racism, without conscious leadership, without a Communist Party to guide them through the difficult twists and turns of class struggle.

Stalin, in his work, Foundations of Leninism, equated this to an army going to battle without a “general staff.” He pointed out that a party must be built which can “see farther than the working class; it must lead the proletariat and not follow in the tail of the spontaneous movement.” In other words, the Party is the “political leader” of the working class. It brings the concentrated experiences of the class to the economic struggles which develop among the workers spontaneously.

It is, in fact, those very opportunists who worship the spontaneous economic struggles of the workers and who are afraid of the working class moving beyond that stage, to the stage of revolutionary consciousness, who most strongly resist the idea of a party.

Without such a vanguard, disciplined, united organization at the head of the working class movement, embodying the theory of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought and the militant fighting spirit of the working class, the masses will be left at the mercy of the capitalists and their agents who will foster disunity and the deadening spirit of class collaboration instead of struggle."
How do you take the people from power when your claim all along is to empower the people?

Is overthrowing autocracy not empowering the people? Sure, it disempowers the ruling few, but it empowers the vast majority that lives under oppressive rule. An overhaul of polyarchy/plutocracy is the same.
"All of these weapons must be developed simultaneously according to the level of the struggle. However, at each stage of development, one of the three must be stressed. At this period, it is the central task of U.S. communists to build a new communist party and all other work must be developed in accordance with this task. Because like the people in China before 1921 (the founding of the Chinese Communist Party), the people in the U.S. are fighting against exploitation, war and racism, without conscious leadership, without a Communist Party to guide them through the difficult twists and turns of class struggle.

Stalin, in his work, Foundations of Leninism, equated this to an army going to battle without a “general staff.” He pointed out that a party must be built which can “see farther than the working class; it must lead the proletariat and not follow in the tail of the spontaneous movement.” In other words, the Party is the “political leader” of the working class. It brings the concentrated experiences of the class to the economic struggles which develop among the workers spontaneously.

It is, in fact, those very opportunists who worship the spontaneous economic struggles of the workers and who are afraid of the working class moving beyond that stage, to the stage of revolutionary consciousness, who most strongly resist the idea of a party.

Without such a vanguard, disciplined, united organization at the head of the working class movement, embodying the theory of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought and the militant fighting spirit of the working class, the masses will be left at the mercy of the capitalists and their agents who will foster disunity and the deadening spirit of class collaboration instead of struggle."

i disagree, what works best in our nation is a hybrid of socialism and capitalism

anarchists and communists by definition deny leadership and are impractical

still both are welcome by me as yeast in the political system
Is overthrowing autocracy not empowering the people? Sure, it disempowers the ruling few, but it empowers the vast majority that lives under oppressive rule. An overhaul of polyarchy/plutocracy is the same.

Until their society collapses from excess and incompetency, and their ignorance and passion lead them to elect a new plutocracy which is ever more tyrannical and blood thirsty than the present elite.
Until their society collapses from excess and incompetency, and their ignorance and passion lead them to elect a new plutocracy which is ever more tyrannical and blood thirsty than the present elite.

See, I just don't, and can't, believe that's true. For one, we didn't elect our plutocracy. There's really nothing democratic of it. Which is the beauty of our ruling class. They run the show, and thus can convince you that you do.

But given the right conditions, this country might elect a left wing government. The prerequisites are the problem.
All of human experience from the Greeks to the French Revolution to the Russian (20s & 90s) and Germans show a recurring theme with the people's judgment and character. I think the closest we ever got was Mossadegh in Iran, and that would likely have collapsed, being a Muslim society.
See, I just don't, and can't, believe that's true. For one, we didn't elect our plutocracy. There's really nothing democratic of it. Which is the beauty of our ruling class. They run the show, and thus can convince you that you do.

But given the right conditions, this country might elect a left wing government. The prerequisites are the problem.

What is scary is that you believe that a left wing gobblement hasn't been elected
"All of these weapons must be developed simultaneously according to the level of the struggle. However, at each stage of development, one of the three must be stressed. At this period, it is the central task of U.S. communists to build a new communist party and all other work must be developed in accordance with this task. Because like the people in China before 1921 (the founding of the Chinese Communist Party), the people in the U.S. are fighting against exploitation, war and racism, without conscious leadership, without a Communist Party to guide them through the difficult twists and turns of class struggle.

Stalin, in his work, Foundations of Leninism, equated this to an army going to battle without a “general staff.” He pointed out that a party must be built which can “see farther than the working class; it must lead the proletariat and not follow in the tail of the spontaneous movement.” In other words, the Party is the “political leader” of the working class. It brings the concentrated experiences of the class to the economic struggles which develop among the workers spontaneously.

It is, in fact, those very opportunists who worship the spontaneous economic struggles of the workers and who are afraid of the working class moving beyond that stage, to the stage of revolutionary consciousness, who most strongly resist the idea of a party.

Without such a vanguard, disciplined, united organization at the head of the working class movement, embodying the theory of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought and the militant fighting spirit of the working class, the masses will be left at the mercy of the capitalists and their agents who will foster disunity and the deadening spirit of class collaboration instead of struggle."

BTW, what is wrong with the old commie party?