We need a reform from immigration reform.


Apparently that is one of the things Biden has on his agenda. Yet another immigration reform. Which if I was to guess would mean another amnesty. Do you know how many illegals enter this country each year. This may surprise you. NOBODY DOES! Also, I would have voted for Trump the first time. But I didn't. Because the line was too long. Why I would have voted for him was because he said he would deport 11 million illegals. As it turns out, he did just about the opposite. In the first 3 years of Obama's presidency, nearly 2 million illegals were deported. In Trump's first 3 years in office, fewer than 800,000 were. What a choice we were given for president. A homicidal maniac or a brown person brown noser.

We need to put an end to these endless immigration reforms and do it right. Make the illegals deport themselves. (Which is something all those plutocratic slave lovers don't want) For however many thousands of illegals it takes, do to them what the picture I will include shows. It isn't as though doing so would be breaking any constitutional laws. Because with them not being American, our constitution doesn't apply to them.

What We Need Today.jpeg
Apparently that is one of the things Biden has on his agenda. Yet another immigration reform. Which if I was to guess would mean another amnesty. Do you know how many illegals enter this country each year. This may surprise you. NOBODY DOES! Also, I would have voted for Trump the first time. But I didn't. Because the line was too long. Why I would have voted for him was because he said he would deport 11 million illegals. As it turns out, he did just about the opposite. In the first 3 years of Obama's presidency, nearly 2 million illegals were deported. In Trump's first 3 years in office, fewer than 800,000 were. What a choice we were given for president. A homicidal maniac or a brown person brown noser.

We need to put an end to these endless immigration reforms and do it right. Make the illegals deport themselves. (Which is something all those plutocratic slave lovers don't want) For however many thousands of illegals it takes, do to them what the picture I will include shows. It isn't as though doing so would be breaking any constitutional laws. Because with them not being American, our constitution doesn't apply to them.

View attachment 17942

Everybody that is here ... is HERE. Give them a Social Security Number. Then hang out a 'No Vacancy' sign. ZERO IMMIGRATION. We don't need no more fucking people.
Everybody that is here ... is HERE. Give them a Social Security Number. Then hang out a 'No Vacancy' sign. ZERO IMMIGRATION. We don't need no more fucking people.

That would just encourage more people to come here illegally, knowing that one day they'd get amnesty too. I say deport every illegal immigrant, even if they've been here for sixty years.
Apparently that is one of the things Biden has on his agenda. Yet another immigration reform. Which if I was to guess would mean another amnesty. Do you know how many illegals enter this country each year. This may surprise you. NOBODY DOES! Also, I would have voted for Trump the first time. But I didn't. Because the line was too long. Why I would have voted for him was because he said he would deport 11 million illegals. As it turns out, he did just about the opposite. In the first 3 years of Obama's presidency, nearly 2 million illegals were deported. In Trump's first 3 years in office, fewer than 800,000 were. What a choice we were given for president. A homicidal maniac or a brown person brown noser.

We need to put an end to these endless immigration reforms and do it right. Make the illegals deport themselves. (Which is something all those plutocratic slave lovers don't want) For however many thousands of illegals it takes, do to them what the picture I will include shows. It isn't as though doing so would be breaking any constitutional laws. Because with them not being American, our constitution doesn't apply to them.

View attachment 17942

You do realize that Obama's numbers were padded due to repeat deportations of the same people, right?
Everybody that is here ... is HERE. Give them a Social Security Number. Then hang out a 'No Vacancy' sign. ZERO IMMIGRATION. We don't need no more fucking people.

Why give them citizenship when they don't deserve it? Isn't coming here illegally breaking federal law? Wouldn't giving illegals citizenship be screwing over those who are/have come here through the legal channels? Maybe if we throw those illegals out it might deter others from coming here illegally? How many illegals came here to have their liters because our constitution is being misinterpreted to allow their anchor babies to become citizens? Then they become leaches off our welfare system. That is pure bullshit!! Why should MY taxes go toward paying for illegal's spawn?
Illegals are NOT Americans, therefore our AMERICAN constitution does NOT apply to them. They have NO rights guaranteed to AMERICAN CITIZENS because they are not Americans, they're breaking federal immigration laws. Arrest and deport. Enforce our immigration laws for a change. Trump tried to, it was one of the things that got him elected. Too bad the Dems refused to support it.
Why give them citizenship when they don't deserve it? Isn't coming here illegally breaking federal law? Wouldn't giving illegals citizenship be screwing over those who are/have come here through the legal channels? Maybe if we throw those illegals out it might deter others from coming here illegally? How many illegals came here to have their liters because our constitution is being misinterpreted to allow their anchor babies to become citizens? Then they become leaches off our welfare system. That is pure bullshit!! Why should MY taxes go toward paying for illegal's spawn?
Illegals are NOT Americans, therefore our AMERICAN constitution does NOT apply to them. They have NO rights guaranteed to AMERICAN CITIZENS because they are not Americans, they're breaking federal immigration laws. Arrest and deport. Enforce our immigration laws for a change. Trump tried to, it was one of the things that got him elected. Too bad the Dems refused to support it.

It is not about them...it is about teaching you that America does not belong to you.

Sorry, I could not read more than a few words of your post...to depressing.
It is not about them...it is about teaching you that America does not belong to you.

Sorry, I could not read more than a few words of your post...to depressing.

America belongs to ALL of us Americans. It does NOT belong to illegals.

If my post "depresses" you, don't read it. Then don't comment on it.
Why give them citizenship when they don't deserve it? Isn't coming here illegally breaking federal law? Wouldn't giving illegals citizenship be screwing over those who are/have come here through the legal channels? Maybe if we throw those illegals out it might deter others from coming here illegally? How many illegals came here to have their liters because our constitution is being misinterpreted to allow their anchor babies to become citizens? Then they become leaches off our welfare system. That is pure bullshit!! Why should MY taxes go toward paying for illegal's spawn?
Illegals are NOT Americans, therefore our AMERICAN constitution does NOT apply to them. They have NO rights guaranteed to AMERICAN CITIZENS because they are not Americans, they're breaking federal immigration laws. Arrest and deport. Enforce our immigration laws for a change. Trump tried to, it was one of the things that got him elected. Too bad the Dems refused to support it.

Write your Congressman about it.
Everybody that is here ... is HERE. Give them a Social Security Number. Then hang out a 'No Vacancy' sign. ZERO IMMIGRATION. We don't need no more fucking people.

Yeah. And in 4 years do the whole fucking thing all over again. So your plan is foolhardy at best. I say sharpen up some pikes!
That would just encourage more people to come here illegally, knowing that one day they'd get amnesty too. I say deport every illegal immigrant, even if they've been here for sixty years.

I agree. You know, it has been done before. In somewhere around the mid 50's, president Eisenhower had about 1.5 million illegals rounded up and sent back to mexico. They called it "Operation Wetback."
Why give them citizenship when they don't deserve it? Isn't coming here illegally breaking federal law? Wouldn't giving illegals citizenship be screwing over those who are/have come here through the legal channels? Maybe if we throw those illegals out it might deter others from coming here illegally? How many illegals came here to have their liters because our constitution is being misinterpreted to allow their anchor babies to become citizens? Then they become leaches off our welfare system. That is pure bullshit!! Why should MY taxes go toward paying for illegal's spawn?
Illegals are NOT Americans, therefore our AMERICAN constitution does NOT apply to them. They have NO rights guaranteed to AMERICAN CITIZENS because they are not Americans, they're breaking federal immigration laws. Arrest and deport. Enforce our immigration laws for a change. Trump tried to, it was one of the things that got him elected. Too bad the Dems refused to support it.

I agree with most of what you say. But I don't think Trump even tried. Also, as Commander and Chief, he wouldn't need the permission of congress to do it. He would be exercising the authority that the constitution gives him. Also, president Eisenhower did about the same thing back in the mid 50's. He had around 1.5 million illegals rounded up and sent back to mexico. They called it "Operation Wetback." But getting back to Trump, his wall was a joke. The border crossings between the U.S. and mexico are the busiest in the WORLD! Basically what that means is that there is no fucking border! What needs to be done is close the border down. And like they do between Pakistan and India for example, lay out mine fields!
I agree. You know, it has been done before. In somewhere around the mid 50's, president Eisenhower had about 1.5 million illegals rounded up and sent back to mexico. They called it "Operation Wetback."

Of course, if they did that today, they'd need a nicer name.