We Need To Do Away With Money.


Which means doing away with capitalism. Make wealth like food stamps. You couldn't buy any heroin with food stamps. Money is just a red carpet of corruption for criminals to stroll along. I'm not saying that those who are of a greater value to society shouldn't have more. But there has to be limits. And there are ways of seeing to it that they get more rather than with money. For example, the wealthy have large mansions or expensive penthouses. (Sometimes many) They have to pay taxes on those properties or lose them. All that needs to be done is to simply not tax them for their mansion or whatever. That would be payment in kind.

Also, termites, ants and bees do their society thing without money. Of course human society is much different. But when it comes to getting things done without money, surely we can do better than a bunch of bugs. Also, I used to be in the military. Of course I was paid. But when there was something that needed to be done, there was no barter involved. You simply were told what to do and you did it. As to how onerous such a system is, there were many who chose to stay in the military of their own free will. Because they didn't have to worry about going out and scrounging up money on their own.