What happened the other day by BLMTIFA agitators and some Trump supporters was wrong and should not be tolerated. But spare me the feigned indication while the left and many republicans stood by all summer while peoples businesses burned to the ground because of lies. Or had businesses shut down because of bogus science.
Yes Congress is a wonderful place and should be respected, but when they don't respect the people they should not be surprised by what happened. And of course let's not forget the many times the demalquedacrats laid siege on the Capitol
So spare me your "concern". I don't listen to virtue signalers
Yes Congress is a wonderful place and should be respected, but when they don't respect the people they should not be surprised by what happened. And of course let's not forget the many times the demalquedacrats laid siege on the Capitol
So spare me your "concern". I don't listen to virtue signalers