We the Sheeple - 55% Of Americans Believe That The Government Will Take Care Of them

Truth Detector

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When did we become so stupid? Is it our educational establishment pumping out indoctrinated dullards? Is it our media establishment pumping out false narratives with a Marxist agenda?

55 Percent Of Americans Believe That The Government Will Take Care Of Them If Disaster Strikes

If a major emergency happened in the United States, do you have faith that the government would take care of you? Amazingly, even after all of the examples to the contrary that we have seen in recent years, a solid majority of all Americans actually believe that the government will be there for them when things hit the fan. According to a new survey conducted by the Adelphi University Center for Health Innovation, 55 percent of Americans believe that the authorities will come to their rescue when disaster strikes. Sadly, most Americans still view the government as a “nanny state” that has both the capability and the willingness to take care of them from the cradle to the grave. Most Americans still have faith that the government will come through for them when they need it the most. But all we have to do is look back at what happened during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to realize what a crock of baloney that is. Hurricane Katrina was a disaster that was limited to a relatively small geographic area, and yet we all saw how the response of the federal government was a complete and utter failure. So what is going to happen someday if there is a nationwide disaster that stretches on for months or even years? Do you really believe that the federal government will be there for you?

Yeah, I guess having a police department, a fire dept and agencies that take care of water purification , roads and lighting is unfair expectations. Gotta get rid of that wasteful military too. that is so sheepish.
Your taxes are taken for Social security. What is taking care of you? Why it is your money in a big pool. It also takes care of disabled and mental incompetents. Socials security also pays for survivors to stay alive when the bread winner dies . That is how Paul Ryan was able to afford college. I guess you figure those people should be killed and eaten.
Yeah, I guess having a police department, a fire dept and agencies that take care of water purification , roads and lighting is unfair expectations. Gotta get rid of that wasteful military too. that is so sheepish.

The opening post is about after disaster strikes.
Your taxes are taken for Social security. What is taking care of you? Why it is your money in a big pool. It also takes care of disabled and mental incompetents. Socials security also pays for survivors to stay alive when the bread winner dies . That is how Paul Ryan was able to afford college. I guess you figure those people should be killed and eaten.

You are part of the 55% that was referenced in the opening post.
Truth deflector is an ignore. Can't handle his blatant racism.So we have disaster relief, because disasters happen and few can survive them in tact,

I can see that you are included in the 55% referenced in the opening post. I do not share your confidence, so I have established food and water reserves, savings, home owner insurance, and other essentials that might be needed for various disasters that might occur.
I can see that you are included in the 55% referenced in the opening post. I do not share your confidence, so I have established food and water reserves, savings, home owner insurance, and other essentials that might be needed for various disasters that might occur.

We have a long history of FEMA and also local aid. When you are a country, you want your countrymen to survive. In Michigan, we do not have tornadoes,, hurricanes, earthquakes or volcanoes. Not like Florida. Florida actually is proud of how they use the national system to save them. They brag about no state taxes. Let them levy one and use it for hurricane relief. They will have another one soon . Let them kick in a bigger share of what we will pay.
We have a long history of FEMA and also local aid. When you are a country, you want your countrymen to survive. In Michigan, we do not have tornadoes,, hurricanes, earthquakes or volcanoes. Not like Florida. Florida actually is proud of how they use the national system to save them. They brag about no state taxes. Let them levy one and use it for hurricane relief. They will have another one soon . Let them kick in a bigger share of what we will pay.

Michigan has a lot of tornadoes. The last time I was there two touched down within seven to eight miles from me. One made national news because the tornado picked up an infant.
We have a long history of FEMA and also local aid. When you are a country, you want your countrymen to survive. In Michigan, we do not have tornadoes,, hurricanes, earthquakes or volcanoes. Not like Florida. Florida actually is proud of how they use the national system to save them. They brag about no state taxes. Let them levy one and use it for hurricane relief. They will have another one soon . Let them kick in a bigger share of what we will pay.

I agree. Americans should not be on the hook for decisions others make about where to live.

It is called moral hazard. As long as people think the gobblement will pick up the tab they will make unwise decisions