We went from Black excellence and class to just straight up trash

Wow. Thanks for the verification of my post.
Wow. Thanks for proving what an insipidly stubborn MAGA troll you've become. Pay attention, bunky ... from the link (a right wing bent):

All of this would be fairly unremarkable — complications from surgery, however unfortunate, are a regular occurrence — were it not for the fact that by all accounts Secretary Austin went AWOL with the White House during this period. Although a few top officials in the Pentagon were apparently aware that Austin had been rushed to the ICU on Monday, they failed to notify either President Biden or Jake Sullivan and the National Security Council until several days later that the secretary of defense was in the ICU. (Austin reportedly avoided detection of his hospitalization by claiming to be “working from home” during the entire week, quite the luxury for a secretary of defense during such fraught times.)

Ignoring the embellishments of the article's author(s), essentially you had a guy rushed to ER for a medical emergency THAT DID NOT LEAVE HIS OFFICE UNATTENDED WITH STAFF OR A DEPUTY SECRETARY.

For a more balanced review:

An article in the Wall Street Journal (Center bias) described the "improbable episode," writing, "Only a small cadre of aides was aware that Austin was hospitalized. Most others in the Pentagon, including Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks, who was carrying out his duties, were kept in the dark, according to the Pentagon’s current version of events."

Austin released a statement on Jan. 6, saying he understands the "media concerns about transparency and I recognize I could have done a better job ensuring the public was appropriately informed. I commit to doing better. But this is important to say: this was my medical procedure, and I take full responsibility for my decisions about disclosure."


So essentially, we're looking at a breach in protocol that DID NOT leave the country defenseless or leaderless. You want to fry the guy for that, fine. But to orgasm over replacing him with a drunk and misogynistic creep who screwed up TWO non-profit organizations to the point where the members HAD HIM REMOVED FROM LEADERSHIP is just a testament to the fascist mind set the rest of us will have to deal with for the next 4 years. Jeezus!
If you can’t come to work you notify. He didn’t. That’s AWOL. If he was still in the military he should have gotten a dishonorable discharge.
No genius, he wasn't a field grunt who took a week off to get laid. He was HOSPITALIZED IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION. Read the secondary link I provided. It's not like his office was left unattended or all of his staff was in the dark.

But hey, all this smoke is more important than excusing a documented misogynistic creep and drunk who mismanaged TWO civilian agencies to the point where the members had him removed.

GMAFB with this facist git BS bullhorn of yours.