Weed Breathalyzers


Well-known member
I know we have a bunch of stoners on this board so figure you folks would know about this. Saw something on The Today Show that cops are using weed breathalyzers. Is this a new thing? Anyone know of someone who has been pulled over and tested?

And stupid question but is there an obvious tell that would make an officer think someone is high?
I know we have a bunch of stoners on this board so figure you folks would know about this. Saw something on The Today Show that cops are using weed breathalyzers. Is this a new thing? Anyone know of someone who has been pulled over and tested?

And stupid question but is there an obvious tell that would make an officer think someone is high?

Yes Margret it's true.
I know we have a bunch of stoners on this board so figure you folks would know about this. Saw something on The Today Show that cops are using weed breathalyzers. Is this a new thing? Anyone know of someone who has been pulled over and tested?

And stupid question but is there an obvious tell that would make an officer think someone is high?

Open bag of Oreos
But would it work if the person consumed THC via an edible rather than smoking it?

I would say yes as the THC in the smoke can be measured why not food. If someone eats a cookie most people can smell the cookie on their breath.

I am glad you brought that up. Years ago I had a young airman working for me that busted a pee test. When I informed the airman they said "I don't smoke it I bake it in cookies. He/she didn't know the test was for THC in the urine. :laugh:
I would say yes as the THC in the smoke can be measured why not food. If someone eats a cookie most people can smell the cookie on their breath.

I am glad you brought that up. Years ago I had a young airman working for me that busted a pee test. When I informed the airman they said "I don't smoke it I bake it in cookies. He/she didn't know the test was for THC in the urine.

Hahahaha... poor guy. What happened to him?

I think the pee test is the only accurate way to measure consumption of THC-containing substances. That being said, depending on the fat content of your body, THC can be measured in urine up to 30 days (or even longer) after a dose, so that isn't going to tell law enforcement that you were driving while under its influence. Just that at some point in the last month, you indulged.

From ScienceDaily:

"A team has developed a breathalyzer device that can measure the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound in marijuana, in the user's breath. The breathalyzer was developed using carbon nanotubes, tiny tubes of carbon 100,000 times smaller than a human hair. Nanotechnology sensors can detect THC at levels comparable to or better than mass spectrometry, which is considered the gold standard for THC detection." (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/08/190827123239.htm)

Personally, this is using science for evil instead of good. :laugh:
Suppose you used CBD oil with no THC,is that going to be a false positive?

I don't think so.

"The breathalyzer was developed using carbon nanotubes, tiny tubes of carbon 100,000 times smaller than a human hair. The THC molecule, along with other molecules in the breath, bind to the surface of the nanotubes and change their electrical properties. The speed at which the electrical currents recover then signals whether THC is present. Nanotechnology sensors can detect THC at levels comparable to or better than mass spectrometry, which is considered the gold standard for THC detection." (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/08/190827123239.htm)

CBD is not the same molecule as THC which is what the device is calibrated to look for.
I don't think so.

"The breathalyzer was developed using carbon nanotubes, tiny tubes of carbon 100,000 times smaller than a human hair. The THC molecule, along with other molecules in the breath, bind to the surface of the nanotubes and change their electrical properties. The speed at which the electrical currents recover then signals whether THC is present. Nanotechnology sensors can detect THC at levels comparable to or better than mass spectrometry, which is considered the gold standard for THC detection." (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/08/190827123239.htm)

CBD is not the same molecule as THC which is what the device is calibrated to look for.
The breathalyzer will be challenged because what level determines if the driver is impaired?
The breathalyzer will be challenged because what level determines if the driver is impaired?

The states will decide, the way they do here in WA with the 0.08% alcohol law. A couple of years ago, the UW even did research into what a comparable THC level would be. Of course, the 0.08 law is a bit of a misnomer, because it also says that the officer can use discretion in determining that you are impaired.
I know we have a bunch of stoners on this board so figure you folks would know about this. Saw something on The Today Show that cops are using weed breathalyzers. Is this a new thing? Anyone know of someone who has been pulled over and tested?

And stupid question but is there an obvious tell that would make an officer think someone is high?

You really live in San Francisco? and you are asking how can you tell if a person is high? offer them a brownie and that would help you out. Very disappointed in you "cawacko"
Hahahaha... poor guy. What happened to him?

Lucky for her she was a 1st termer. She lost a stripe (suspended) fined $30.00 a month for 3 months and 30 days extra duty. If she had been an NCO it would have been discharge under less than honorable service.
Lucky for her she was a 1st termer. She lost a stripe (suspended) fined $30.00 a month for 3 months and 30 days extra duty. If she had been an NCO it would have been discharge under less than honorable service.

Wow. I heard so many stoner stories from guys who were in VN. Guess they are cracking down on drug abuse now?
You really live in San Francisco? and you are asking how can you tell if a person is high? offer them a brownie and that would help you out. Very disappointed in you "cawacko"

LOL, touché. Well we all walk around with a certain level of contact high here because you can’t escape it.

I know what people who are high high look like just as I know what really drunk people look like. But there are folks who drink and you can’t really tell. I was asking more in that context vis a vis weed. Basically if someone smoked but wasn’t so stoned out of their mind that it’s blatantly obvious.
Wow. I heard so many stoner stories from guys who were in VN. Guess they are cracking down on drug abuse now?

The US military does not condone drug use of any kind. I don't know if it was a result of Nam or not but they are serious while I was in.
The US military does not condone drug use of any kind. I don't know if it was a result of Nam or not but they are serious while I was in.

That's good, impaired soldiers are not a good thing for either themselves or their fellow fighters.

The younger of my two brothers served during the VN era, but was stationed in South Korea. He said that after hours most of them stayed drunk. He hated drugs of any kind (even legal ones) so he didn't partake of anything other than beer, but he said lots of other guys did. My other brother was in the Guard for six years stateside. He said drinking and illegal stuff wasn't as big of a thing for them.
I don't think there is a Weedalyzer!

Just based on a resent report from the Texas Department Of Public Safety.

Texas just passed the legalization of Hemp (Not Marijuana) for medical purposes in our last state election. But shortly thereafter, the TDPS released a report that admitted there was no such THC-detection apparatus available to be used in the field that could be used to tell the difference between Hemp and Marijuana, and so therefore, it left them in a pickle.

The report went on to say that some police departments do have that kind of laboratory equipment available at their stations, but it would be another year or more before something like that would be available to be used in the field.

So, for the next year, if you get pulled over while smoking a doob in Texas, just tell the officer- "It's Hemp Man- H E M P Hemp!

LOL, touché. Well we all walk around with a certain level of contact high here because you can’t escape it.

I know what people who are high high look like just as I know what really drunk people look like. But there are folks who drink and you can’t really tell. I was asking more in that context vis a vis weed. Basically if someone smoked but wasn’t so stoned out of their mind that it’s blatantly obvious.

If they smoked it, an officer could smell it on them, and there's your probable cause. But you're right; you can't always tell esp. if the person uses frequently.

Perfect California excuse: "Oh, these red eyes, Officer? That's from the smog/wildfire smoke." lol