David Jeffrey Spetch
Verified User
The following has just been sent to 550 members of European Parliament Members as is. I'll be updating and sending it to the other 150 members momentarily as I will also be sharing this with UK members of Parliament as well Canadian Members of Parliament as well as provincial and territorial officials across the country and more from around the world. Hey this is crucial to our survival and it needs to be shared so feel free to share it.
Greetings Once again to the Members of European Parliament from Canada's one, only and everyone's favourite Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist David Jeffrey Spetch as I was in contact with MEP's along with tens of thousands of elected appointed and designated officials of almost 200 countries from 2013 into 2019 on several occasions. I am here again because we are in crisis, well many crisis simultaneously and all staged by the World Economic Forum of which below is the factual evidence which proves that the World Economic Forum has been conspiring against Western Civilizations while having our officials turn tyrant on citizens in especially so called democracies throughout recent years and interfering with the elections of several countries simultaneously. I state so called democracies because WEF dictatorship is not a democracy for starters. Keep in mind that the only primarily white populated country on the planet I noticed that refused to place WEF lies and deceptions upon it's citizens is (big drum roll) Russia but we'll get to that in a little bit. (To some of you, I might have already given it away but let's begin)
I'll begin from here with the World Economic Forum buying up much of the main stream media in Western civilizations about a decade ago while managing to monopolize the main stream media (they might have bought it sooner than a decade ago but I didn't notice them start getting real shady with the main stream media until about a decade ago) as they then began with forcing factually exposed lgbt lies and deceptions upon western civilizations simultaneously in recent years which was just after the lgbt made a soon to be short lived mockery made of marriage as facts went deliberately ignored and were replaced by lies to make this soon to be short lived mockery of marriage. They then used the main stream media, which has since severely lost credibility, to support WEF's useful idiots infiltrating Western civilization governments getting away with committing tyranny while assisting WEF infiltrating Western governments with WEF's lies and deceptions as the media was used to slander officials opposing WEF and their easily baited lgbt sock puppets lies and deceptions being forced upon the citizens of multiple western civilizations.
The World Economic Forum started making their useful idiots (our so called officials turned tyrant and or traitor) only send school boards money if they agreed to force WEF lies upon citizens children (sound familiar?!) as well only offered funding through government to main stream media outlets who were also willing to lie for them and not speak about the factual evidence that exposes those lies etc. to get the money at the expense of tax payers. They also made their useful idiots create policies to try and deny anyone from exposing and opposing WEF lies and deceptions from doing so in the eyes of the general public as well banning average citizens from participating in big tech social interaction sites for not going along with WEF's disgusting narratives. Any media who opposed WEF's narratives were not funded by government as well were slandered and excluded from questioning officials as much as possible which is proof of outside interference upon western civilizations, and proof of meddling in elections of Western civilizations but there is more. Yeah real funny how the precise same lies and deceptions were forced upon all of us in Western civilizations while the main stream media in Western countries backed WEF lies and deceptions instead of backing the well being of citizens of the countries still being infiltrated by the World Economic Forum (not mere theory but proof of conspiracy unfolding on an international scale, that it is happening to so many countries simultaneously is non contestable proof of factual conspiracy unfolding). The main stream which has now revealed itself as extremely bias media was also used to keep important information from the public so that the WEF could obviously spin their warped and extremely sick narrative of slews of lies and deceptions upon Western civilizations in bombardments upon the general public. Since the WEF used their crash test dummies, known as the easily baited sock puppet lgbt hate group, got away with the formula of ignoring fact, making up lies, calling those lies their belief then start trying to force such lies upon the public along with useful idiots and main stream media threatening to slander or defund or ban anyone who opposed their disgusting rubbish proceeded to force such lies and deceptions upon the public of Western civilizations while also replacing definitions of words in dictionaries and various terminologies with WEF lies and deceptions and acting like they seem to think doing such gives them even so much as a shred of validity when it only reveals what such pathetic liars attempt to defecate upon those in Western civilizations. They then applied the same formula as they did with their lgbt hate group to other hate groups (hate groups = groups used to force lies and deceptions upon the public) they funded and supported such as Black Lives Matters and Antifa all the while the precise same lies and deceptions were being forced upon Western civilizations simultaneously as they were working towards flooding western civilizations under the 2015 guise of the Syrian crisis with illegal invaders along with other immigrants while they soon after started the climate change lie (which it turns out when they say climate change they really mean humans raising the atmospheric temperature but were too lame brained to come up with their own terminology so they hijacked the climate change terminology likely to confuse people to add to the chaos WEF and their hate groups lies and deceptions create) as excuse to take away jobs under the guise of saving the environment so people of western civ countries, not being able to pay rent or their mortgage, lose their homes only to be replaced by illegal invaders and other immigrants under the guise of lies and here we are today.
It is likely to blow your mind proceeding the list I have below of which the list just below demonstrates the precise same lies and deceptions being forced upon Western civilizations simultaneously over the past decade (lies lead to war and divide) which is factual evidence of the World Economic Forum infiltrating elections with their deliberate interference and forcing lies upon citizens to distract and divide us over WEF made up rubbish as they positioned us to be replaced by an invasion thanks to useful idiots stabbing citizens in the back by turning backs upon citizens and instead catering to the foul dictatorship of the World Economic Forum. OK lets have a look at the misinformation they have been forcing upon western civilizations using the same ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief then start forcing such rubbish upon everyone else tactic. You will notice not once did they ever back any of their claims with even so much as a shred of validity when you read this list because all they represent are lies and deceptions used to divide and conquer while they have everyone opposing and exposing WEF rubbish banned from websites because of WEF imposing threat of endless lawsuits with WEF members combined trillions against big tech which is more proof of infiltration of Western civ governments as well as election interference. I will continue but let's have a look at some of the rubbish that has been coming from the World Economic Forum and forced upon Western civilizations.
Misinformation Is Referring To Someone Born With A Penis As She Or Her.
No One's opinion or how anyone feels or whether anyone claims to agree or not or how many lies and deceptions anyone can come up with / what guise they attempt to masquerade it as will never change the primary fact that males are born with a penis (xy chromosomes) and females are born with vagina (xx chromosomes).
Misinformation is stating that gender is not biological.
The only thing that determines anyone's gender is their biology of which is an xx (female) chromosomes or an xy (male) chromosomes and anyone's opinion, whether they claim to agree or not, or how they feel or how much they lie and deceive / what guise they attempt to masquerade it as never has and will never change this primary fact. Facts are not agreed upon, facts are either recognized or ignored. If it weren't for the obvious biological difference we would not have a need for a word to describe female or describe male because we would just be human and not a male or female variation of human of which among humans it is thanks to males (those born with a penis) having sex with females (those born with a vagina) that we all even exist hence the significance of biology and the relevance of being conceived as xx or xy thus born male or female.
Misinformation is stating that humans cause a climate change crisis.
Again not even 30 percent of the planet's surface area is land. Of that 30 percent only 10 percent of land is occupied by humans. They can't even prove that humans raise the atmospheric temperature 0.00001 degree and they can not because there is no climate crisis caused by humans.
Misinformation is the CDC removing the definition of vaccine Sept. 10 2021 and replacing it with lies then calling their jabs a vaccine.
Then they try shaming anyone exposing their sick and filthy behaviour like Woody Harrelson but what do you expect from greedy sociopathic criminals who control the media along with a slew of useful idiots.
Misinformation is claiming that islamaphobia exists.
A rational concern is not an irrational fear. Violent hate crimes against non muslims escalate everywhere muslim populations begin to rise. As they infiltrate a country muslims claim that not all muslims are violent but when muslim numbers begin to rise so do the violent hate crimes deemed acceptable against non muslims are committed by so called radical muslims as the so called moderate muslims remain silent about it so they are not risking being called out for speaking against islam. That they are not all violent is not the concern.
On a side note: In Western civs the WEF hides the relevance when muslims commit violent hate crimes against non muslims when it comes to the main stream media whom only state a crime was committed without sharing that valid information that it was a muslim doing it to a non muslim meanwhile when anyone does something to a muslim it is spun as a hate crime over the main stream media and or as the lie islamaphobia to try and keep the general population dumbed down / oblivious as possible as useful idiots continue to load the country with muslims for the WEF. Have you not noticed this in your western country?!
Misinformation is labelling citizens a xenophobe for being against illegal invasion.
What rational minded citizen would advocate illegal invasion infiltrating their own country on a National scale?!
Misinformation is labelling an MEP from Germany a racist.
Again muslims are humans of different racial variations not a racial variation. Black people stoop to be muslim, Arabs stoop to be muslim, White people stoop to be muslim etc. so claiming that being against such an invasion is racism as appears to be the case with MEP Christine Anderson and in lieu of such is quite obviously misinformation.
Misinformation is claiming that the lgbt has anything to be proud of for a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman.
Meanwhile they parade the lie anyway while they act like the repulsive mockery they reveal themselves to be. Go ahead and share one valid reason that there is reason to be proud of a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman. (crickets)
Misinformation is claiming that the meaning of heterosexual is a male having sex with a male with a surgically mutilated penis stuffed into a cut next to his anus or a female having sex with a female with her vagina ripped out and attached to a pump outside her body.
Thanks to heterosexuality we all even exist of which the only kind of heterosexual is quite obviously an individual who has sex with one or more people born with the opposite sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with. This is another example of complete imbeciles removing definitions of words from dictionaries, replacing them with lies then acting as if doing such gives them so much as even a shred of validity when all it reveals is what liars are willing to do in attempt to defecate on everyone else.
Side note: They are claiming that homosexual sex is heterosexuality because these hateful bigots want to rob heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual while dividing and conquering several countries around the world in modern day with such rubbish because lies lead to war and divide and distract citizens while they load such countries with immigration and keep doing it after there are already more people than homes available as they use the so called climate change crisis to rob citizens of jobs so they can't pay their rent or mortgages and are replaced by immigrants and illegal invaders. We were born heterosexual, not homosexual guinea pigs but the lgbt has no respect for what you are yet seem to think their factually exposed lies and deceptions take precedence because they are funded by WEF and their useful idiots to do such. If legalizing homosexuality also gives them the right to rob heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual then it's time to criminalize homosexuality all together.
Misinformation is labelling any heterosexual a homophobe.
A) A homophobe is a homosexual who is afraid to come out of the closet. B) there is no such thing as any heterosexual having any kind of phobia when it comes to homosexuals because a natural repulsion is not an irrational fear and a phobia is an irrational fear.
This phobia rhetoric was blown out of proportion back in the 80's (I think it was the late 80's) in a movie with a sarcastic title called Arachnophobia with actor John Goodman of which it featured giant spiders that can kill and eat people hence the sarcasm of the title because being swarmed by spiders that can kill you and being concerned for your life is quite obviously not an irrational fear thus not a phobia at all. Then leftist and WEF started misinforming the public as to what a phobia is to try and force their sick narratives.
All of these lies come from the World Economic Forum (I mentioned a few) with their bought up main stream media conspiring with their useful idiots primarily in Western civilizations used to divide and conquer. Meanwhile the useful idiots here in Canada who peddle all of this hateful misinformation upon the public are claiming that they are going to do something about misinformation which quite obviously is more misinformation. Yeah like these compulsive obsessive lying sickos in office are going to censor their own misinformation they spew upon the public.
OK now working my way back to WEF being behind the Russia Ukraine war (by the indication I already gave, some of you might have figured it out) but first ...
We have more people than homes in Canada, we have 4 - 5 hundred thousand immigrants and illegal invaders entering Canada this year from what I have seen and heard. Where are they suppose to go? Oh right we are losing our jobs so we can't pay rent or mortgages and soon to be homeless as illegals and others take your home because of useful idiots conspiring with WEF sociopaths and our officials turn a blind eye because they do not want to be slandered by the main stream media owned by the sociopaths who want to kill the Citizens of Canada off along with citizens of western civilizations in the precise same manner. They are trying to make a big thing about China interfering with elections to overshadow WEF interfering with elections not only here in Canada but Western civs for close to a decade now (Again the WEF bought up much of main stream media in western civs and combined main stream with useful idiot policy to prevent main stream from exposing WEF shady ways as they constantly slander those who oppose them like conservatives here in Canada who have now turned into cowards this past decade since it started happening with marriage) Oh who cares that we Canadians are being killed off in this silent and deliberate slaughter of becoming homeless and being replaced (white replacement theory is looking more and more like not so much a theory as a reality of intentions unfolding here in Canada as well as every primarily white populated country except Russia) because our officials have become intellectual cowards who don't want to be slandered or do not want to risk losing living out their full terms in office. Pathetic! We need to rid ourselves of main stream garbage with their useful idiot policy following sock puppets who love their main stream media jobs of having such jobs, (stabbing citizens in the back is a job they love go figure) dissolve political parties who have a monopoly on our political system and get rid of officials catering to such rubbish that the WEF represents. It makes it easy to control many officials by controlling a party by lobbying or even blackmailing. I predict a half million more homeless and dead in Canada by the end of 2023. Keep your eyes open.
Why are they doing this you wonder, well if you look at the WEF members you will notice a majority are from what I can tell Jewish which brings us to the holocaust.
Even before what they call the holocaust, Jews were evicted from almost everywhere throughout Europe and in the middle East etc. (on the old continent of which they were evicted from 109 places if I recall over hundreds of years) including where they call Israel twice because of their following of religious garbage. But here they are acting like what they call the holocaust in Germany was anything new.
Germany was nice enough to offer the Jews refuge from the muslims slaughtering them but when the Germans got fed up with the Jews pulling their garbage in Germany and Germany tried to pass the Jews off on other countries but all other countries knew about the crap Jews have been pulling for hundreds of years and no other country wanted Jews in such mass numbers thus so began what they call the holocaust until if I recall primarily the USA stepped up and gave them back what they call Israel where they are right back at war with the muslims again. Somehow the USA wound up on the hook giving Israel billions over and over again over the years throughout decades and what did the USA ever get back for it is what I wonder ... USA = Israeli slaves?! All of the countries that refused to take the Jews from Germany are now under attack by the WEF divide and conquer narrative on a much larger scale than the holocaust because the Jews want to blame everyone else for where their selfish, greedy, ignorant, sick and filthy religious low life scum bag ways always leads them as hundreds of years and over 100 evictions reveals. But it's your fault that they pull their repulsive rhetoric in the first place which gets them evicted is what they seem to think and proof is what they are currently attempting to pull on Western Civilizations / white based countries. Oh the same thing keeps happening to them for hundreds of years pretty much everywhere they go but it is everyone else's fault in their sick little ignorant minds. Now we all know why no one wanted them, because we are all aware of the divide and conquer lies and deceptions that the WEF is currently pushing to not only divide and conquer while scamming only one country, but many western civilizations simultaneously because it's everyone else fault that jews keep getting evicted for their sick and filthy disgusting low life sucm bag religious ways always leads. That's semitism for you.
The anti-semitism scam:
OK I'll explain this in a nut shell, I probably could come up with a better example but this is just to give you an idea of what the jews do with this anti-semitism rhetoric.
Lets say for example an island of people rely heavily on fishing and so fishermen are highly valued. Let's say a boat load of people (let's say the boat load represent jews) come across the paradise island and figure out that the fishermen are highly valued so the manipulate, bribe, and perhaps even kill some fishermen to take their jobs so that the island values the boat load of people now known as the fishermen.
One of the boat load of people (new arrivals) steals from the people of the island and when someone points the finger at the boat person arrival all of the boat load of people ban together and incite anti-fisherman as the issue while threatening to cut the island off from fishing. One person says what does you being a fisherman have to do with you stealing from us and the response is I am a fisherman. Another of the boat load of people goes around raping the islands women and the people become infuriated and go to get justice and are met with the boat load of new arrivals claiming anti fisherman. One of the island inhabitants asks what does being a fisherman have to do with raping women and the response is I am a fisherman as they threaten to cut the island off of fish for being anti-fishermen. One of the new arrivals from the boat load of people goes around killing island inhabitants and the island inhabitants become infuriated and go to get the murderer only to be met with the fishermen claiming anti-fishermen and so on and so on.
Antisemitism is such a cheap and pathetic scam to try and control you to evade you from placing blame on religious low life scum bags where it belongs and try and make you out to be the bad guy for exposing their sick behaviour while they use it to get away with their filthy religious practice which obviously pisses people off and it really is quite pathetic that they get away with such rhetoric especially when filthy religious lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide.
What I am seeing is that Vladimir Putin obviously didn't want to see his people infected with lies, turned into sexually retarded imbeciles, lose their jobs and starve throughout being cast out into the street and replaced under the guise of saving the environment. I do not know what the WEF threatened him with but since he is the only white based country that didn't cave to the WEF's sick narratives, of which all Western civs are being set up for depopulation and replacement, it only makes sense that Vladimir chose war instead of turning on his own citizens to depopulate while attempting to take Ukraine. I suspect he had only two choices and now the WEF has their useful idiots from Western civs ganging up on him in Ukraine to cut his population significantly.
Whether or not China has infiltrated Canada, it is a sure thing that the WEF has many years ago just like with many Western civs and now they are trying to use allegations of China to overshadow WEF factually exposed for doing such on a much larger scale.
(continued in first response ...)
Greetings Once again to the Members of European Parliament from Canada's one, only and everyone's favourite Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist David Jeffrey Spetch as I was in contact with MEP's along with tens of thousands of elected appointed and designated officials of almost 200 countries from 2013 into 2019 on several occasions. I am here again because we are in crisis, well many crisis simultaneously and all staged by the World Economic Forum of which below is the factual evidence which proves that the World Economic Forum has been conspiring against Western Civilizations while having our officials turn tyrant on citizens in especially so called democracies throughout recent years and interfering with the elections of several countries simultaneously. I state so called democracies because WEF dictatorship is not a democracy for starters. Keep in mind that the only primarily white populated country on the planet I noticed that refused to place WEF lies and deceptions upon it's citizens is (big drum roll) Russia but we'll get to that in a little bit. (To some of you, I might have already given it away but let's begin)
I'll begin from here with the World Economic Forum buying up much of the main stream media in Western civilizations about a decade ago while managing to monopolize the main stream media (they might have bought it sooner than a decade ago but I didn't notice them start getting real shady with the main stream media until about a decade ago) as they then began with forcing factually exposed lgbt lies and deceptions upon western civilizations simultaneously in recent years which was just after the lgbt made a soon to be short lived mockery made of marriage as facts went deliberately ignored and were replaced by lies to make this soon to be short lived mockery of marriage. They then used the main stream media, which has since severely lost credibility, to support WEF's useful idiots infiltrating Western civilization governments getting away with committing tyranny while assisting WEF infiltrating Western governments with WEF's lies and deceptions as the media was used to slander officials opposing WEF and their easily baited lgbt sock puppets lies and deceptions being forced upon the citizens of multiple western civilizations.
The World Economic Forum started making their useful idiots (our so called officials turned tyrant and or traitor) only send school boards money if they agreed to force WEF lies upon citizens children (sound familiar?!) as well only offered funding through government to main stream media outlets who were also willing to lie for them and not speak about the factual evidence that exposes those lies etc. to get the money at the expense of tax payers. They also made their useful idiots create policies to try and deny anyone from exposing and opposing WEF lies and deceptions from doing so in the eyes of the general public as well banning average citizens from participating in big tech social interaction sites for not going along with WEF's disgusting narratives. Any media who opposed WEF's narratives were not funded by government as well were slandered and excluded from questioning officials as much as possible which is proof of outside interference upon western civilizations, and proof of meddling in elections of Western civilizations but there is more. Yeah real funny how the precise same lies and deceptions were forced upon all of us in Western civilizations while the main stream media in Western countries backed WEF lies and deceptions instead of backing the well being of citizens of the countries still being infiltrated by the World Economic Forum (not mere theory but proof of conspiracy unfolding on an international scale, that it is happening to so many countries simultaneously is non contestable proof of factual conspiracy unfolding). The main stream which has now revealed itself as extremely bias media was also used to keep important information from the public so that the WEF could obviously spin their warped and extremely sick narrative of slews of lies and deceptions upon Western civilizations in bombardments upon the general public. Since the WEF used their crash test dummies, known as the easily baited sock puppet lgbt hate group, got away with the formula of ignoring fact, making up lies, calling those lies their belief then start trying to force such lies upon the public along with useful idiots and main stream media threatening to slander or defund or ban anyone who opposed their disgusting rubbish proceeded to force such lies and deceptions upon the public of Western civilizations while also replacing definitions of words in dictionaries and various terminologies with WEF lies and deceptions and acting like they seem to think doing such gives them even so much as a shred of validity when it only reveals what such pathetic liars attempt to defecate upon those in Western civilizations. They then applied the same formula as they did with their lgbt hate group to other hate groups (hate groups = groups used to force lies and deceptions upon the public) they funded and supported such as Black Lives Matters and Antifa all the while the precise same lies and deceptions were being forced upon Western civilizations simultaneously as they were working towards flooding western civilizations under the 2015 guise of the Syrian crisis with illegal invaders along with other immigrants while they soon after started the climate change lie (which it turns out when they say climate change they really mean humans raising the atmospheric temperature but were too lame brained to come up with their own terminology so they hijacked the climate change terminology likely to confuse people to add to the chaos WEF and their hate groups lies and deceptions create) as excuse to take away jobs under the guise of saving the environment so people of western civ countries, not being able to pay rent or their mortgage, lose their homes only to be replaced by illegal invaders and other immigrants under the guise of lies and here we are today.
It is likely to blow your mind proceeding the list I have below of which the list just below demonstrates the precise same lies and deceptions being forced upon Western civilizations simultaneously over the past decade (lies lead to war and divide) which is factual evidence of the World Economic Forum infiltrating elections with their deliberate interference and forcing lies upon citizens to distract and divide us over WEF made up rubbish as they positioned us to be replaced by an invasion thanks to useful idiots stabbing citizens in the back by turning backs upon citizens and instead catering to the foul dictatorship of the World Economic Forum. OK lets have a look at the misinformation they have been forcing upon western civilizations using the same ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief then start forcing such rubbish upon everyone else tactic. You will notice not once did they ever back any of their claims with even so much as a shred of validity when you read this list because all they represent are lies and deceptions used to divide and conquer while they have everyone opposing and exposing WEF rubbish banned from websites because of WEF imposing threat of endless lawsuits with WEF members combined trillions against big tech which is more proof of infiltration of Western civ governments as well as election interference. I will continue but let's have a look at some of the rubbish that has been coming from the World Economic Forum and forced upon Western civilizations.
Misinformation Is Referring To Someone Born With A Penis As She Or Her.
No One's opinion or how anyone feels or whether anyone claims to agree or not or how many lies and deceptions anyone can come up with / what guise they attempt to masquerade it as will never change the primary fact that males are born with a penis (xy chromosomes) and females are born with vagina (xx chromosomes).
Misinformation is stating that gender is not biological.
The only thing that determines anyone's gender is their biology of which is an xx (female) chromosomes or an xy (male) chromosomes and anyone's opinion, whether they claim to agree or not, or how they feel or how much they lie and deceive / what guise they attempt to masquerade it as never has and will never change this primary fact. Facts are not agreed upon, facts are either recognized or ignored. If it weren't for the obvious biological difference we would not have a need for a word to describe female or describe male because we would just be human and not a male or female variation of human of which among humans it is thanks to males (those born with a penis) having sex with females (those born with a vagina) that we all even exist hence the significance of biology and the relevance of being conceived as xx or xy thus born male or female.
Misinformation is stating that humans cause a climate change crisis.
Again not even 30 percent of the planet's surface area is land. Of that 30 percent only 10 percent of land is occupied by humans. They can't even prove that humans raise the atmospheric temperature 0.00001 degree and they can not because there is no climate crisis caused by humans.
Misinformation is the CDC removing the definition of vaccine Sept. 10 2021 and replacing it with lies then calling their jabs a vaccine.
Then they try shaming anyone exposing their sick and filthy behaviour like Woody Harrelson but what do you expect from greedy sociopathic criminals who control the media along with a slew of useful idiots.
Misinformation is claiming that islamaphobia exists.
A rational concern is not an irrational fear. Violent hate crimes against non muslims escalate everywhere muslim populations begin to rise. As they infiltrate a country muslims claim that not all muslims are violent but when muslim numbers begin to rise so do the violent hate crimes deemed acceptable against non muslims are committed by so called radical muslims as the so called moderate muslims remain silent about it so they are not risking being called out for speaking against islam. That they are not all violent is not the concern.
On a side note: In Western civs the WEF hides the relevance when muslims commit violent hate crimes against non muslims when it comes to the main stream media whom only state a crime was committed without sharing that valid information that it was a muslim doing it to a non muslim meanwhile when anyone does something to a muslim it is spun as a hate crime over the main stream media and or as the lie islamaphobia to try and keep the general population dumbed down / oblivious as possible as useful idiots continue to load the country with muslims for the WEF. Have you not noticed this in your western country?!
Misinformation is labelling citizens a xenophobe for being against illegal invasion.
What rational minded citizen would advocate illegal invasion infiltrating their own country on a National scale?!
Misinformation is labelling an MEP from Germany a racist.
Again muslims are humans of different racial variations not a racial variation. Black people stoop to be muslim, Arabs stoop to be muslim, White people stoop to be muslim etc. so claiming that being against such an invasion is racism as appears to be the case with MEP Christine Anderson and in lieu of such is quite obviously misinformation.
Misinformation is claiming that the lgbt has anything to be proud of for a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman.
Meanwhile they parade the lie anyway while they act like the repulsive mockery they reveal themselves to be. Go ahead and share one valid reason that there is reason to be proud of a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman. (crickets)
Misinformation is claiming that the meaning of heterosexual is a male having sex with a male with a surgically mutilated penis stuffed into a cut next to his anus or a female having sex with a female with her vagina ripped out and attached to a pump outside her body.
Thanks to heterosexuality we all even exist of which the only kind of heterosexual is quite obviously an individual who has sex with one or more people born with the opposite sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with. This is another example of complete imbeciles removing definitions of words from dictionaries, replacing them with lies then acting as if doing such gives them so much as even a shred of validity when all it reveals is what liars are willing to do in attempt to defecate on everyone else.
Side note: They are claiming that homosexual sex is heterosexuality because these hateful bigots want to rob heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual while dividing and conquering several countries around the world in modern day with such rubbish because lies lead to war and divide and distract citizens while they load such countries with immigration and keep doing it after there are already more people than homes available as they use the so called climate change crisis to rob citizens of jobs so they can't pay their rent or mortgages and are replaced by immigrants and illegal invaders. We were born heterosexual, not homosexual guinea pigs but the lgbt has no respect for what you are yet seem to think their factually exposed lies and deceptions take precedence because they are funded by WEF and their useful idiots to do such. If legalizing homosexuality also gives them the right to rob heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual then it's time to criminalize homosexuality all together.
Misinformation is labelling any heterosexual a homophobe.
A) A homophobe is a homosexual who is afraid to come out of the closet. B) there is no such thing as any heterosexual having any kind of phobia when it comes to homosexuals because a natural repulsion is not an irrational fear and a phobia is an irrational fear.
This phobia rhetoric was blown out of proportion back in the 80's (I think it was the late 80's) in a movie with a sarcastic title called Arachnophobia with actor John Goodman of which it featured giant spiders that can kill and eat people hence the sarcasm of the title because being swarmed by spiders that can kill you and being concerned for your life is quite obviously not an irrational fear thus not a phobia at all. Then leftist and WEF started misinforming the public as to what a phobia is to try and force their sick narratives.
All of these lies come from the World Economic Forum (I mentioned a few) with their bought up main stream media conspiring with their useful idiots primarily in Western civilizations used to divide and conquer. Meanwhile the useful idiots here in Canada who peddle all of this hateful misinformation upon the public are claiming that they are going to do something about misinformation which quite obviously is more misinformation. Yeah like these compulsive obsessive lying sickos in office are going to censor their own misinformation they spew upon the public.
OK now working my way back to WEF being behind the Russia Ukraine war (by the indication I already gave, some of you might have figured it out) but first ...
We have more people than homes in Canada, we have 4 - 5 hundred thousand immigrants and illegal invaders entering Canada this year from what I have seen and heard. Where are they suppose to go? Oh right we are losing our jobs so we can't pay rent or mortgages and soon to be homeless as illegals and others take your home because of useful idiots conspiring with WEF sociopaths and our officials turn a blind eye because they do not want to be slandered by the main stream media owned by the sociopaths who want to kill the Citizens of Canada off along with citizens of western civilizations in the precise same manner. They are trying to make a big thing about China interfering with elections to overshadow WEF interfering with elections not only here in Canada but Western civs for close to a decade now (Again the WEF bought up much of main stream media in western civs and combined main stream with useful idiot policy to prevent main stream from exposing WEF shady ways as they constantly slander those who oppose them like conservatives here in Canada who have now turned into cowards this past decade since it started happening with marriage) Oh who cares that we Canadians are being killed off in this silent and deliberate slaughter of becoming homeless and being replaced (white replacement theory is looking more and more like not so much a theory as a reality of intentions unfolding here in Canada as well as every primarily white populated country except Russia) because our officials have become intellectual cowards who don't want to be slandered or do not want to risk losing living out their full terms in office. Pathetic! We need to rid ourselves of main stream garbage with their useful idiot policy following sock puppets who love their main stream media jobs of having such jobs, (stabbing citizens in the back is a job they love go figure) dissolve political parties who have a monopoly on our political system and get rid of officials catering to such rubbish that the WEF represents. It makes it easy to control many officials by controlling a party by lobbying or even blackmailing. I predict a half million more homeless and dead in Canada by the end of 2023. Keep your eyes open.
Why are they doing this you wonder, well if you look at the WEF members you will notice a majority are from what I can tell Jewish which brings us to the holocaust.
Even before what they call the holocaust, Jews were evicted from almost everywhere throughout Europe and in the middle East etc. (on the old continent of which they were evicted from 109 places if I recall over hundreds of years) including where they call Israel twice because of their following of religious garbage. But here they are acting like what they call the holocaust in Germany was anything new.
Germany was nice enough to offer the Jews refuge from the muslims slaughtering them but when the Germans got fed up with the Jews pulling their garbage in Germany and Germany tried to pass the Jews off on other countries but all other countries knew about the crap Jews have been pulling for hundreds of years and no other country wanted Jews in such mass numbers thus so began what they call the holocaust until if I recall primarily the USA stepped up and gave them back what they call Israel where they are right back at war with the muslims again. Somehow the USA wound up on the hook giving Israel billions over and over again over the years throughout decades and what did the USA ever get back for it is what I wonder ... USA = Israeli slaves?! All of the countries that refused to take the Jews from Germany are now under attack by the WEF divide and conquer narrative on a much larger scale than the holocaust because the Jews want to blame everyone else for where their selfish, greedy, ignorant, sick and filthy religious low life scum bag ways always leads them as hundreds of years and over 100 evictions reveals. But it's your fault that they pull their repulsive rhetoric in the first place which gets them evicted is what they seem to think and proof is what they are currently attempting to pull on Western Civilizations / white based countries. Oh the same thing keeps happening to them for hundreds of years pretty much everywhere they go but it is everyone else's fault in their sick little ignorant minds. Now we all know why no one wanted them, because we are all aware of the divide and conquer lies and deceptions that the WEF is currently pushing to not only divide and conquer while scamming only one country, but many western civilizations simultaneously because it's everyone else fault that jews keep getting evicted for their sick and filthy disgusting low life sucm bag religious ways always leads. That's semitism for you.
The anti-semitism scam:
OK I'll explain this in a nut shell, I probably could come up with a better example but this is just to give you an idea of what the jews do with this anti-semitism rhetoric.
Lets say for example an island of people rely heavily on fishing and so fishermen are highly valued. Let's say a boat load of people (let's say the boat load represent jews) come across the paradise island and figure out that the fishermen are highly valued so the manipulate, bribe, and perhaps even kill some fishermen to take their jobs so that the island values the boat load of people now known as the fishermen.
One of the boat load of people (new arrivals) steals from the people of the island and when someone points the finger at the boat person arrival all of the boat load of people ban together and incite anti-fisherman as the issue while threatening to cut the island off from fishing. One person says what does you being a fisherman have to do with you stealing from us and the response is I am a fisherman. Another of the boat load of people goes around raping the islands women and the people become infuriated and go to get justice and are met with the boat load of new arrivals claiming anti fisherman. One of the island inhabitants asks what does being a fisherman have to do with raping women and the response is I am a fisherman as they threaten to cut the island off of fish for being anti-fishermen. One of the new arrivals from the boat load of people goes around killing island inhabitants and the island inhabitants become infuriated and go to get the murderer only to be met with the fishermen claiming anti-fishermen and so on and so on.
Antisemitism is such a cheap and pathetic scam to try and control you to evade you from placing blame on religious low life scum bags where it belongs and try and make you out to be the bad guy for exposing their sick behaviour while they use it to get away with their filthy religious practice which obviously pisses people off and it really is quite pathetic that they get away with such rhetoric especially when filthy religious lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide.
What I am seeing is that Vladimir Putin obviously didn't want to see his people infected with lies, turned into sexually retarded imbeciles, lose their jobs and starve throughout being cast out into the street and replaced under the guise of saving the environment. I do not know what the WEF threatened him with but since he is the only white based country that didn't cave to the WEF's sick narratives, of which all Western civs are being set up for depopulation and replacement, it only makes sense that Vladimir chose war instead of turning on his own citizens to depopulate while attempting to take Ukraine. I suspect he had only two choices and now the WEF has their useful idiots from Western civs ganging up on him in Ukraine to cut his population significantly.
Whether or not China has infiltrated Canada, it is a sure thing that the WEF has many years ago just like with many Western civs and now they are trying to use allegations of China to overshadow WEF factually exposed for doing such on a much larger scale.
(continued in first response ...)