weiner dog posts lies

Who cares what they're worth. They're just another elitist, Progressive, rich couple that has no connection to the average joe on the street.
Who cares what they're worth. They're just another elitist, Progressive, rich couple that has no connection to the average joe on the street.

They actually struggled growing up and know what being poor feels like. Trump however has no understanding of how other people live. Obamas can and do connect to other classes. Trump is a president for the entitled. You are wrong again.
They actually struggled growing up and know what being poor feels like. Trump however has no understanding of how other people live. Obamas can and do connect to other classes. Trump is a president for the entitled. You are wrong again.

Wrong. Both Obama and Michelle went to ivy league universities, in Obama's case on his grandparent's money. Neither has had to hold a "real" job in their lives. They bought a mansion in Chicago well before Obama became even a state senator. The word that probably best describes Obama's work career is that he "dabbled." As a community organizer he did nothing. As an Illinois state senator he did nothing. As a lecturer at the University of Chicago he did nothing. As a US senator for a brief time he did nothing. He spent 8 years in the White House and did little or nothing at least on his own. He'd come up with some idea and then let others do all the work trying to make it work only to almost always end up failing.

Obama's life has been like one long Jerry Steinfeld episode...