Weird Science


Global warming is good for whales, and even better for people! Once there is less ice, how many cruise ships are going to crash into iceburgs? Titanic anyone? How many lives will be saved? The scientists, funded by Exxon-Mobil, who have concluded this have all been threatened, some with murder! if they peeped their studies. Who threatened them? Who do you think? The liberals will do anything to keep the people from knowing about this.

Second hand smoke, never hurt anybody! New studies suggest that second hand smoke is good for you! People who live with smokers, but don't smoke themselves, have clearer skin, longer erections, and shinier hair! I've skimmed the science responsible for perpetuating the big "second hand smoke kills" fraud on us. It's crap! Real scientists, funded by Philip Morris, have numerous studies proving this. They're afraid to come out with it. That's right! Because of the liberals!
Some interesting but true weird science:

Study: Substance in Marijuana Clears Facial Dermatitis,2933,293586,00.html

A substance found in the cannabis plant helps the body’s natural protective system clear dry, scaly skin rashes caused by allergic dermatitis, according to researchers from the U.S., Germany, Israel, Italy and Switzerland.

A group of domestic and international researchers have found that two naturally occurring cannabinoid (cannabis-like) components found in the body’s endocannabinoid system – one from the brain, named anandamide and another from the intestines named 2-AG provides protection against dermatitis.

These cannabinoids have similar effects to those of the active components in hashish and marijuana, produced from the cannabis plant. Further research using mice has shown that THC – the ingredient in marijuana that produces a “high” in users — significantly decreased the allergic reaction in comparison to untreated mice.
Global warming is good for whales, and even better for people! Once there is less ice, how many cruise ships are going to crash into iceburgs? Titanic anyone? How many lives will be saved? The scientists, funded by Exxon-Mobil, who have concluded this have all been threatened, some with murder! if they peeped their studies. Who threatened them? Who do you think? The liberals will do anything to keep the people from knowing about this.

Second hand smoke, never hurt anybody! New studies suggest that second hand smoke is good for you! People who live with smokers, but don't smoke themselves, have clearer skin, longer erections, and shinier hair! I've skimmed the science responsible for perpetuating the big "second hand smoke kills" fraud on us. It's crap! Real scientists, funded by Philip Morris, have numerous studies proving this. They're afraid to come out with it. That's right! Because of the liberals!

LMAO. :D :p

Never hurt nobody but the people that got cancer from it!
Global warming is good for whales, and even better for people! Once there is less ice, how many cruise ships are going to crash into iceburgs? Titanic anyone? How many lives will be saved? The scientists, funded by Exxon-Mobil, who have concluded this have all been threatened, some with murder! if they peeped their studies. Who threatened them? Who do you think? The liberals will do anything to keep the people from knowing about this.


I'm personally looking forward to grapefruit from Greenland, and oceanfront property in Nevada.
I'm personally looking forward to grapefruit from Greenland, and oceanfront property in Nevada.

I'm looking foward to beach front property in Jersey actually. The only thing that will suck is when my property is under water the following year. :(
Global warming is good for whales, and even better for people! Once there is less ice, how many cruise ships are going to crash into iceburgs? Titanic anyone? How many lives will be saved? The scientists, funded by Exxon-Mobil, who have concluded this have all been threatened, some with murder! if they peeped their studies. Who threatened them? Who do you think? The liberals will do anything to keep the people from knowing about this.

Second hand smoke, never hurt anybody! New studies suggest that second hand smoke is good for you! People who live with smokers, but don't smoke themselves, have clearer skin, longer erections, and shinier hair! I've skimmed the science responsible for perpetuating the big "second hand smoke kills" fraud on us. It's crap! Real scientists, funded by Philip Morris, have numerous studies proving this. They're afraid to come out with it. That's right! Because of the liberals!


Exactly. Have none of these so-called scientists ever wondered why people 'smoke' things like fish and meat. It is because when exposed to high levels of smoke, harmful bacteria, which liberals seek to protect in national parks, is destroyed thereby extending the life of the product.

It stands to reason that human beings exposed to doses of smoke will be less prone to bacterial infection and decay, increasing life expectancy and having the added bonus of imbuing the smoked human with an attractive smoky aroma, reducing the need for environmentally harmful chemical deodorants.

Exactly. Have none of these so-called scientists ever wondered why people 'smoke' things like fish and meat. It is because when exposed to high levels of smoke, harmful bacteria, which liberals seek to protect in national parks, is destroyed thereby extending the life of the product.

It stands to reason that human beings exposed to doses of smoke will be less prone to bacterial infection and decay, increasing life expectancy and having the added bonus of imbuing the smoked human with an attractive smoky aroma, reducing the need for environmentally harmful chemical deodorants.

LOL! And of course what kills bacteria will have no effect whatsoever on more complex organisms, such as humans. :p
awh.. i thought your were gana be talking about the movie
