Welcome! Anyoldiron!


Junior Member
It's about time! You've been missed!

now, u might need to prove yourself....because we have already had an identity robber troll who took ib1's identity, so don't be mad if we test ya.... ;)

hope it's really you!


Hello Care4, old bean.

It's me alright! :D

Bit of a mass migration occurred? Have people been banned from FP?
AnyOldIron said:
Hello Care4, old bean.

It's me alright! :D

Bit of a mass migration occurred? Have people been banned from FP?

Only Grind and Brent have been banned. Toby wants everyone to believe he has been, but SR says no. I will take SR's word for it.

Good to see you here as well as there.

Beefy said:
Cool, all 3 Fish 'n Chip connesseurs are here.
Hey, there are few things better than a good, greasy basket of fish 'n chips. Best fast food anyone's ever invented -- unless you count pizza.
OrnotBitwise said:
Hey, there are few things better than a good, greasy basket of fish 'n chips. Best fast food anyone's ever invented -- unless you count pizza.

yes I count pizza.