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Atheist Missionary
Thousands of council staff are being trained to police the smoking ban in bars, restaurants and shops in England.

Ministers have given councils £29.5m to pay for staff, who will be able to give on-the-spot £50 fines to individuals and take court action against premises.

They will have the power to enter premises undercover, allowing them to sit among drinkers, and will even be able to photograph and film people.

Smokers' groups and industry officials said the plans were a "waste of money".

The smoking ban is due to come into force on 1 July. It covers virtually all enclosed public places including offices, factories, pubs and bars. But neither outdoor space nor private homes will be affected.

Welcome to America! I don't know if we sent policemen in, but our bars...at least in New England, have had smoking banned for years now...
I have a real grudge with anti-smokers, especially the one's that walk past the smoke shelter, give a dirty look and a fake cough and then climb into their cars and kick out far more carcenogins (sp?) than I ever would with my cigarette.

I might clothes-line the next one that does it......
No, lung cancer causes smoking. If you take a chart, like certain groups do for other things, and put them next to each other you will notice that as lung cancer incidents rise so does smoking! That foul cancer causing people to smoke!
It is all predestined in the master plan of intelligent design. If it is in the plan for you to die of cancer then you will.

A hundred years or so ago Cancer was an evil spirt, If we make it I wonder how we will view such things in another hundred years ?