Welcome to Paulville

This is awesome Desh. I wonder if the blimp has found a new home?

Paulville: the town where rightwingers will be free

At last, some cheering news for downhearted fans of Ron Paul, the libertarian Republican now certain to fail, by some distance, to secure his party's presidential nomination. This month has seen the first meeting of the shareholders in a fledgling community development planned in rural Texas, to be comprised exclusively of Paul's supporters. It is to be called Paulville.

The gated settlement will house freedom-loving folk, living unbound by the shackles of planning regulations. Its founders hope that when complete, it will inspire further Paulvilles around America and, in their own words, "literally change the world, one community at a time".

The Hudspeth County project has attracted derision across the US, though, with the political gossip website Wonkette.com uncharitably dubbing it "Paultard City". And even at this early stage, it appears that ideological compromises might have to be made. Necessity dictates that the community will function on a cooperative basis, albeit with the ability for households to opt out. The idea is that the option not to access communal utilities, such as electricity, will ensure that its founding individualist principles remain unsullied.

Paulville's supporters believe that politically like-minded individuals can form a thriving community, detached from a busybody state. But historical precedents do not augur well. Some 115 years ago, a group of disillusioned Australians set sail for South America, intent on toiling their way to a new society, in this case, free from avaricious capitalism. Colonia Nueva Australia was duly established in darkest Paraguay. Sadly, rows over leadership and booze quickly sealed the cooperative's fate.

Not all idealistic communities have failed. The Findhorn Foundation, a settlement in the north-east of Scotland, has flourished. Built on spiritual principles and ideas of environmental sustainability, it has become a model for eco-villages around the world.

Though they might have little in common philosophically, advocates of Paulville and Findhorn share the desire to create a template for another world. Jonathan Dawson, an educator based at Findhorn, doesn't see much point to inward-facing micro-communities and talks about "providing an example" to others. "It's not useful to retreat just for the sake of it," he says.

At present the online chatter amongst prospective Paulville residents is of septic-tank permits. But when residents are settled into their new homes, it will surely turn to the right to wield semi-automatic weapons and the abolition of income tax.
