APP - well if the military industrial complex cannot have a war with syria then china

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
seems that china wants the resources of the south china sea...

BEIJING (AP) — China said Wednesday it monitored two unarmed U.S. bombers that flew over the East China Sea in defiance of Beijing's declaration it is exercising greater military control over the area.
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Tuesday's flight of the B-52 bombers underscored U.S. assertions that it will not comply with Chinese demands that aircraft flying through its newly declared maritime air defense zone identify themselves and accept Chinese instructions.
A Chinese Defense Ministry statement Wednesday said the planes were detected and monitored as they flew through the zone for two hours and 22 minutes. It said all aircraft flying through the zone would be monitored, but made no mention of a threat to take "defensive emergency measures" against noncompliant aircraft that was included in an announcement on Saturday.
"China has the capability to exercise effective control over the relevant airspace," said the brief statement, attributed to an unidentified ministry spokesman.
Asked repeatedly about the incident at a regularly scheduled briefing, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said it had been handled according to procedures laid out in the Saturday statement but offered no specifics.
"Different situations will be dealt with according to that statement," Qin said.
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FILE - In this May 16, 2007 file photo, a B-52 passes overhead at the National Security Forum air de …

The U.S. described the flights as a training mission and said they were not flown in response to China's move to assert its claim of sovereignty over a group of uninhabited islands controlled by Japan. U.S. officials said the two B-52 bombers took off from their home base in Guam around midday and were in the zone that encompasses the disputed islands for less than an hour before returning to their base, adding the aircraft encountered no problems.
The bomber flights came after State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said China's move appeared to be an attempt to change the status quo in the East China Sea.
"This will raise regional tensions and increase the risk of miscalculation, confrontation and accidents," she told reporters.
The U.S., which has hundreds of military aircraft based in the region, has said it has no intention of complying with the new Chinese demands. Japan likewise has called the zone invalid, unenforceable and dangerous, while Taiwan and South Korea, both close to the U.S., also rejected it.
Australia also said it called in the Chinese ambassador to express concern about the sudden zone declaration.
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Computer screens display a map showing the outline of China's new air defense zone in the East China …

"The timing and the manner of China's announcement are unhelpful in light of current regional tensions, and will not contribute to regional stability," Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said in a statement.
Beijing's move fits a pattern of putting teeth behind its territorial claims and is seen as potentially leading to dangerous encounters depending on how vigorously China enforces it — and how cautious it is when intercepting aircraft from Japan, the U.S. and other countries.
Chinese reaction to the bomber flights was predictably angry, with some recalling the 2001 collision between a Chinese fighter and a U.S. surveillance plane in international airspace off China's southeastern coast — the kind of accident some fear China's new policy could make more likely. The Chinese pilot, Wang Wei, was killed in the crash and the U.S. crew forced to make a landing on China's Hainan island, where they were held for 10 days and repeatedly interrogated before being released.
"Let's not repeat the humiliation of Wang Wei. Make good preparations to counterattack," wrote Zheng Daojin, a reporter with the official Xinhua News Agency on his Twitter-like Weibo microblog.
Businessman Li Pengliang said the island dispute had heightened anti-Japanese sentiment, but doubted the chances of an open conflict.
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FILE - In this Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011 file photo, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force's P-3C Orion su …

"The public is outraged, but I still believe that the leaders in power are sober minded. They will not act on impulse," Li said.
Still others criticized the government's handling of what they termed a battle of psychological pressure and international public opinion. "China is terrible at telling its side of the story. The silent one is the loser so why don't they better explain our response to the American bomber flight," wrote Hu Xijin, editor of the nationalist tabloid Global Times, on his blog.
It wasn't clear whether Beijing had anticipated the forceful response from Washington and others, or how well it is prepared to back up its demands.
Chinese scholars, who often serve as ad-hoc government spokesmen, criticized Tuesday's flights as a crude show of force and said Beijing wasn't looking for a fight.
"It's not that China didn't want to enforce its demands, but how do you expect China to react?" said Zhu Feng, an international security expert at Peking University.
What a silly nonsensical premise; why do Liberals fabricate their own versions of reality to support their loony failed ideology?

Who was supporting a war with Syria other than peacenik Obama; who then walked back his rhetoric and now ignores the strife and deaths in Syria?

America didn't start WWI. America didn't start WWII. America didn't start the Korean War. America didn't start the Vietnam War. America didn't start the Gulf War.

Where is this loopy mental state that suggests Americans are war mongers?
What a silly nonsensical premise; why do Liberals fabricate their own versions of reality to support their loony failed ideology?

Who was supporting a war with Syria other than peacenik Obama; who then walked back his rhetoric and now ignores the strife and deaths in Syria?

America didn't start WWI. America didn't start WWII. America didn't start the Korean War. America didn't start the Vietnam War. America didn't start the Gulf War.

Where is this loopy mental state that suggests Americans are war mongers?

to date the only us involvement other than supplying small arms to a branch of the rebels supposedly on our side is see to the destruction of chemicals used in warfare so that islamic fanatics (or anyone else) can use them against their enemies.

both the korean and viet nam (wars) were not labeled as wars but as conflicts and were un actions not just the us. wwi and wwii were declared against the us.

however, the current conflict in the south china sea has all of the hallmarks of becoming either a war with china or another un sponsored conflict unless we want to cede the large number of natural resources therein to china which desperately needs them to support their growing economy.

i noticed that you failed to mention the two recent wars/conflicts with iraq and afghanistan
to date the only us involvement other than supplying small arms to a branch of the rebels supposedly on our side is see to the destruction of chemicals used in warfare so that islamic fanatics (or anyone else) can use them against their enemies.

both the korean and viet nam (wars) were not labeled as wars but as conflicts and were un actions not just the us. wwi and wwii were declared against the us.

however, the current conflict in the south china sea has all of the hallmarks of becoming either a war with china or another un sponsored conflict unless we want to cede the large number of natural resources therein to china which desperately needs them to support their growing economy.

i noticed that you failed to mention the two recent wars/conflicts with iraq and afghanistan

I didn't mention them because they were not wars. Claiming that Korea and Vietnam were mere "conflicts" is an amusing , yet ignorant claim.

Once again you deflect; when did AmeriKa start a war or conflict with a foreign power that was not deliberately belligerent and run by totalitarian dictators bent on occupying peaceful neighbor states?
I didn't mention them because they were not wars. Claiming that Korea and Vietnam were mere "conflicts" is an amusing , yet ignorant claim.

Once again you deflect; when did AmeriKa start a war or conflict with a foreign power that was not deliberately belligerent and run by totalitarian dictators bent on occupying peaceful neighbor states?

did you ever hear of SEATO? the above mentioned 'conflicts' were never declared wars

as for the rest, proof have you?
did you ever hear of SEATO? the above mentioned 'conflicts' were never declared wars

as for the rest, proof have you?

Yes I have heard of SEATO; is there a point to such pointless ramblings? I don't care if Vietnam or Korea were "undeclared". They were called wars and lasted many years costing hundreds of thousands of casualties and deaths.

Proof have you???? Did you turn into Yoda? What proof do I need for a question I asked you that you continue to deflect from and avoid? Perhaps you don't like inconvenient truths?

When did AmeriKa start a war or conflict with a foreign power? Most of our wars were to liberate or defend nations from despots; WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Afghanistan and Iraq.

I find your leftist meme about the military industrial complex wanting wars lacking in factual content. America seldom engages in conflicts without much agonizing and internal debate. Obama, a dimwit you probably voted for, was saber rattling in Syria only to back down when his rhetoric wasn't taken seriously; it wasn't the military.

And you think I spout BS when you spout crap like this???? Pot, seek thy kettle.
Yes I have heard of SEATO; is there a point to such pointless ramblings? I don't care if Vietnam or Korea were "undeclared". They were called wars and lasted many years costing hundreds of thousands of casualties and deaths.

Proof have you???? Did you turn into Yoda? What proof do I need for a question I asked you that you continue to deflect from and avoid? Perhaps you don't like inconvenient truths?

When did AmeriKa start a war or conflict with a foreign power? Most of our wars were to liberate or defend nations from despots; WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Afghanistan and Iraq.

I find your leftist meme about the military industrial complex wanting wars lacking in factual content. America seldom engages in conflicts without much agonizing and internal debate. Obama, a dimwit you probably voted for, was saber rattling in Syria only to back down when his rhetoric wasn't taken seriously; it wasn't the military.

And you think I spout BS when you spout crap like this???? Pot, seek thy kettle.

remember the Spanish American war or the mexican anerican war or wwii where both japan and germany declared war on us

or the war with iraq that bushco started by lying to us about iraq's wmds

it was Eisenhower that coined the term military industrial complex and warned against it

why are we still in afghanistan since osama bin laden is dead

why are we 'nation building' in afghanistan where is it is not wanted?

also, look at what is happening in iraq as a result of our 'help'

look at what happened in viet nam after we left

or taking texas. california and the southern part of new mexico from mexico
remember the Spanish American war or the mexican anerican war or wwii where both japan and germany declared war on us

And; what is your point?

or the war with iraq that bushco started by lying to us about iraq's wmds

More leftist bullshit; if Bush lied, so did a myriad of other world leaders and the entire Democratic Party leadership.
You just can’t help but parrot the moronic DNC talking points can you?

it was Eisenhower that coined the term military industrial complex and warned against it

I have heard this meme used by the left many times; but it never occurs to the left that he may have been warning about spending too much on it. DER.

why are we still in afghanistan since osama bin laden is dead

Why are we still in Europe? That war ended in 1945.

why are we 'nation building' in afghanistan where is it is not wanted?

How do you know it is not wanted? Did you do a poll of all the Afghan people and they said Yankee go home? If anything most Afghans interested in their nations future that are not thugs or terrorists are scared to death of us abandoning them.

also, look at what is happening in iraq as a result of our 'help'

Wrong again; what is happening has NOTHING to do as a result of our help, but everything to do with a small minority of brutal Islamic thugs who want chaos and to turn the nation into another Islamic Fascist state like Iran.

look at what happened in viet nam after we left

What about it? The lesson for Liberals is that despots, dictators and Communists will break their treaties and agreements and only comprehend brutal force at the end of the barrel of a gun.

or taking texas. california and the southern part of new mexico from mexico

It wasn’t Mexico Mr. Uninformed, it was a SPANISH colony. DER.

So what we are witnessing here is another Liberal completely lacking in Historical knowledge or comprehending what factual history is.
No wonder you voted for a dimwit like Obama.

P.S. Why is it you refuse to capitalize?
And; what is your point?

More leftist bullshit; if Bush lied, so did a myriad of other world leaders and the entire Democratic Party leadership.
You just can’t help but parrot the moronic DNC talking points can you?

I have heard this meme used by the left many times; but it never occurs to the left that he may have been warning about spending too much on it. DER.

Why are we still in Europe? That war ended in 1945.

How do you know it is not wanted? Did you do a poll of all the Afghan people and they said Yankee go home? If anything most Afghans interested in their nations future that are not thugs or terrorists are scared to death of us abandoning them.

Wrong again; what is happening has NOTHING to do as a result of our help, but everything to do with a small minority of brutal Islamic thugs who want chaos and to turn the nation into another Islamic Fascist state like Iran.

What about it? The lesson for Liberals is that despots, dictators and Communists will break their treaties and agreements and only comprehend brutal force at the end of the barrel of a gun.

It wasn’t Mexico Mr. Uninformed, it was a SPANISH colony. DER.

So what we are witnessing here is another Liberal completely lacking in Historical knowledge or comprehending what factual history is.
No wonder you voted for a dimwit like Obama.

P.S. Why is it you refuse to capitalize?

i find your user name and symbol both unrelated to your actual posts and will no longer reply to them. i will check in from time to time to see if your veracity has improved.

i find the possible reassurance of my cancer, and the three major operations in my near future much more important than responding to your drivel.
i find your user name and symbol both unrelated to your actual posts and will no longer reply to them. i will check in from time to time to see if your veracity has improved.

i find the possible reassurance of my cancer, and the three major operations in my near future much more important than responding to your drivel.

While I am sorry for your condition, you do seem to have a habit of referring to your victim hood, at every opportunity.
i find your user name and symbol both unrelated to your actual posts and will no longer reply to them. i will check in from time to time to see if your veracity has improved.

In other words, you can't be bothered by reality or facts and instead choose to wallow in blissful ignorance; got it. ::wink wink::

i find the possible reassurance of my cancer, and the three major operations in my near future much more important than responding to your drivel.

In other words, you want us all to feel sorry for you and ignore the lies and distortions you prefer to the facts and the truth; got it. ::wink wink::

By the way, the correct term would be resurgence, not reassurance. I am quite certain you are not reassured about a possible remission.

My prayers go out to you in that no one deserves to suffer such a horrible disease.