Well, they got away with it......


As long as our ports are still unsecured 5 years and counting after 9/11, I'll continue to be unhappy with congress and can easily be swayed.
tianabautre said:

As long as our ports are still unsecured 5 years and counting after 9/11, I'll continue to be unhappy with congress and can easily be swayed.

Ports and borders... It's all about the actual security. I too would vote for somebody that could convince me that they were going to actually do something about it.
tinfoil said:
I'm not suprised. Who the hell are we going to vote for next time? I'm sick of corruption.

me too. That's why I am such an anarcho-capitalist I think.. I always associate money with freedom. I think we are all too screwed now, I think it's too late, and the masses are just going to want more and more government all the while keeping their attention spans to a minimum.

I don't look at this issue as a democrat or republican one, I look at it versus a lot of government versus a little. Sad to say, we are loosing, we may have already lost. My best hope is just to try and become as blissfully unaware as possible.
Damocles said:
Ports and borders... It's all about the actual security. I too would vote for somebody that could convince me that they were going to actually do something about it.

I know. When hear politicians rants about homeland security and they don't mention the two, its hard to take any of them seriously. I think I'm becoming very disenchanted with all of them at this point.
tianabautre said:
I know. When hear politicians rants about homeland security and they don't mention the two, its hard to take any of them seriously. I think I'm becoming very disenchanted with all of them at this point.

I am with you on this one! :(

I think that Watermark might be on to something with proportional representation....?

I just don't see a way out of this mess.....our representatives are in the pockets of those with the MONEY....And Dems appear to be ANGELS, RIGHT NOW, but give it a minute or two, the love of power will overcome them, and they become tempted too.... it's a sorry ass system, where those with money ALWAYS WIN over those without....something has got to change... :(
I really think we all do better when we have opposing parties controlling different branches through out the gov't. There are no checks and balances whatsoever as exampled in the article I posted. We all lose when one party has all three branches in my opinion.
(Defining Issues--The Logistics of Pragmatic Political Debate)

The natural advantage of Conservatism in defense of what has been found valid in past experience versus wishful/windborne values of modern "Liberalism"; questions which must be answered to put any proposed change into context of reality; unproven assumptions that underlie all Collectivist movements.


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None of you are going to be able to do anything if this country continue on its way to becoming an authoritarian government.. because they will take away your right to guns.