We're gonna need a bigger boat

holy crap.


Like you're any more likely to be mauled just because the sharks big. A shark of any size can kill you just as easily.
The larger the shark, the more likely you will be chosen as a target because you are smaller. Sharks typically do not like resistance in their meal and thus will be more likely to attack you when the perception of a fight is lower.
The larger the shark, the more likely you will be chosen as a target because you are smaller. Sharks typically do not like resistance in their meal and thus will be more likely to attack you when the perception of a fight is lower.

They're going to PWN you no matter what. A nuclear bomb is not scared of a butterknife.
They're going to PWN you no matter what. A nuclear bomb is not scared of a butterknife.
This is true but sharks do not typically encounter man. They do not know our vast inferiority to them. Thus a shark that is equal in size to a man is less likely to attack (though no less likely to win in an attack) than a shark twice the size of a man.
Like you're any more likely to be mauled just because the sharks big. A shark of any size can kill you just as easily.
Not even close to the truth. A 1 foot shark cannot maul you as fully as a 20 foot Great White... I think you are a bit misinformed about the major differences between the many species of sharks...
Yeah, most attacks on humans are Great Whites... They are usually misidentification. A human paddling a surf board looks like a fricking turtle to them...
Actually none of that is true. Most "attacks" on humans are by nurse sharks, because of their close proximity to the shore line and tendency to bury themselves in the sand. Though nurse shark attacks are almost never (if ever) lethal. The most lethal attacks on humans are by Bull Sharks, because they can swim in both salt and fresh water.

As for white sharks, they are pretty rare, so attacks by them are also rare, though usually lethal. Further a white shark usually knows it's attacking a human. They have very good eye sight, and the electrical signals they get are different for turtles. Thus they know what they're attacking. Or rather, they don't usually. Sharks investigate things by biting them. Since white sharks are rare, and even rarer in contact with humans, usually an attack will happen if a shark wants to learn what the human is. Typically they do not like the taste of people, but that doesn't rule out the prospect of you being hunted by a white shark.